Enrolling in certified nurse aide training that is provided by a school in Northfield, Minnesota will give you skills experience to help you successfully become certified. Classes listed here are open for enrollment and will provide the mandatory 75 hours of instruction.
Three Links Care Center
815 Forest Ave.,
Northfield, MN 55057
(507) 664-8800
It is not that hard to become a nursing aide if you follow the requirements. The most important thing that you need to accomplish, before you start your work, is to get your name on the Nurse Aide Registry. This can only be done if you were able to pass all the tests in the state license exams. You must also take the exams only at approved testing sites, which you can find at http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/fpc/directory/natrainingsites.cfm.
To help you prepare for the license exams, you can enroll in an approved CNA training program. These programs will offer you 75 hours of training. Your training will be composed of lectures, skills training, and clinical duties. Depending on the program you enroll in, it will take you an average of 4 months to complete the training. Once you complete your training there, you can then apply for the state exams.
Enrollees of a school course may be able to be reimbursed for their tuition costs. To qualify you must turn in your receipts within one year of enrollment and have not yet started work in a facility. Only long-term care homes or boarding care homes are required to reimburse a student.
Nursing students who were hired by a licensed nursing facility prior to enrolling in a program may not be charged for the training expenses. These expenses will be directly charged to the hiring facility.
Those who are certified in another state may be able to transfer their license to this state. To do so they must complete a Interstate Endorsement Forms. Applicants an mail it in or submit the form electronically for faster results. To learn more about this procedure you can call 1-800-397-6124 and speak to a registry representative.
This city is a part of both Dakota and Rice Counties. The majority of the city falls under Rice County, while only a small portion belongs to Dakota County. The city was named after its founder, John W. North. In the 2010 census, their total population was estimated to be around 20,007. It has a population density of 2,858.1/sq mile. The total area of the city is approximately 7.0 sq miles, where almost all of it is land.
Health care facilities that are located in the city area include Children’s Therapy And Speech, Family Health Medical Clinic Northfield, Orthopedics And Fracture Clinic Of Northfield, Center For Human Resources Inc., Vital Force Consulting Sujata Owens Homeopath, Women’s Health Center of Northfield Hospital, Northfield Urgent Care, Allina Medical Clinic Northfield, Laura Baker Services Association, and Melnychenko Bohdan MSW Licsw Allina Medical Clinic. photo attribution: bterrycompton