On this page are the nurse aide training schools that are available for enrollment in Madison, Alabama. If you wish to know more about their instruction, you can call the number provided below each school.
Valley View Health and Rehabilitation, LLC
5968 Wall Triana Highway,
Madison, AL 35759
(256) 830-2316
Requirements to become a Nursing Assistant
You can only work as a nursing assistant in the state of Alabama if your name is on the Alabama Nurse Aide Registry and if you have a valid certification. In order to gain entry into the Registry, you’ll have to complete a state-approved training program, clear the criminal background checks, and pass the competency exams.
Criminal Background Checks
Passing the federal and state background checks should be the first of your concerns. Although it may not be required to get into a CNA program, you still need to pass the checks to enter the NAR. You must not have any records of abuse, theft, neglect, drug abuse, or other similar felonies.
Nursing Assistant Training
Completing an approved training program is a requirement to qualify for the state competency exams. Although there are several ways of qualifying, completing an approved CNA program is the most common; it is also the fastest and most affordable. You can find suitable programs being offered from public institutions like community colleges to private training facilities like nursing homes and hospitals.
General requirements to be accepted into a program include:
– Must be at least 18 years old
– Know how to read and write
– Be able to speak and understand Basic English
– Have a high school diploma or a GED
– Be physically and mentally healthy
– Free of communicable diseases such as TB
Nursing assistant training curriculum will always include both theory and hands-on training. The state requires that all programs must offer a minimum of 120 hours of instructions to their students. During the practical training portion of the program, students must always be supervised by a registered nurse instructor. These programs will teach students how to properly take care of the patients, as well as prepare them for the different situations which they might encounter.
Another way of qualifying for the competency exams is by learning the Fundamentals of Nursing by completing one semester of nursing school. Nursing students and graduates who wish to become certified are still required to take the competency exams to get into the Alabama Nurse Aide Registry. They will need to provide an original copy of their transcripts to prove their education and training. They can contact the state’s Department of Public Health at (334) 206-5169 if they have any questions.
Nursing Assistant Competency Exam
This is a two part examination that consists of a written test and a practical skills demonstration. Candidates will only have 24 months after completing their training to pass both exams to enter the NAR and get certified. If they fail in at least one exam, they are given another 2 attempts to reschedule and retake the exam that they failed. Failing for the 3rd time will mean that the candidate must undergo retraining. The same also goes for candidates who fail to pass within the 24 month limit.
The Nurse Aide Registry
This registry contains all the names of individuals who have passed both federal and state training and testing requirements. Only those who are on the registry are allowed to work as long-term nursing assistants in the state. Employers are required by the state to check each applicant by going to https://ph.state.al.us/NurseAideRegistry/(S(rl4qap3lhle0mfebedximj55))/Default.aspx before hiring. You may also click on the link provided if you wish to check your status as a certified nursing assistant.
A person may work as a certified nursing assistant so long as his or her name is on the NAR. To keep it there, a nursing assistant must renew his or her certification every 2 years. A nursing assistant will need to work as a paid CNA, performing direct patient care for people who are in nursing homes and other health care settings, while under the supervision of an RN or LPN to qualify for re-certification.
The city of Madison is an excellent place to work as a certified nursing assistant. It is located in the northern part of the state, belongs to Madison County, and extends slightly to its neighboring Limestone Country. As of the census of 2010, their total population had reached up to 42,938 people who are all living in a 29.7 square mile area.
Once you get certified, you’ll be allowed to work in various health care facilities in the city such as the Madison CBOC; Madison Village; Huntsville Hospital Physical Care; Madison Children’s Clinic; Alabama Psychiatric Services; and many more. photo attribution: ufv