All of the nursing assistant training programs in Des Moines, Iowa that are listed below are the courses that are currently available for enrollment. If you have any questions about their program curriculum, certification requirements, instruction schedules, or tuition rates, just call a school facility listed below.
1100 7th Street,
Des Moines, IA 50314
(515) 244-4226
If you are planning to become a nursing assistant, you should first know what the different requirements are and what the profession is all about. Nursing assistants work hand in hand with registered nurses and other members of the healthcare team. They are mainly tasked with helping the patients by performing the basic nursing skills such as assisting in feeding, bathing, dressing, maintaining hygiene, monitoring vital signs, and help with emergency procedures when the need arises.
In order to learn all of those mentioned, you will need to enroll yourself or let your employer sponsor you in a certification program. Here, you will be spending your hours in classroom instructions and clinical duties. When you are in the clinical area, you will be under the supervision of a RN. At this time the state requires a total of 75 hours of course work and instruction, including 30 hours of hands-on practice in a nursing facility setting.
After your training, your next step is to take on the state’s license exams. This is the only way for you to get your name entered in the nurse aide registry. It is very important that you pass all the tests only those whose names are in the registry will be allowed to work as a nursing assistant. If you took a licensed training class in a different state, you may apply for reciprocity. If you are approved, you do not have to enroll in another program.
This city is the county seat of Polk County. It is also the capital of the state of Iowa. A small part of this city also falls under Warren County. The name of the city was taken from the Des Moines River, which is a French word meaning “River of the Monks”. The city is also called as “Hartford of the West”. With a total population of 203,433 residents, it is the most populous city in Iowa. It has a total area of 82.5 sq miles and a population density of 2,515.5/sq mile.
The Iowa Health System and the Mercy Health Network are two of the biggest employers that are in the city. Other health care centers that you can find there include Broadlawns Medical Center, ADIO Chiropractic Clinic, Fleur Heights Care Center, Surgery Center of Des Moines, Blank Children’s Hospital, Regional Child Protection Center, House Of Mercy Medical Clinic, La Clinica De La Esperanza, and many more.
Visit this link to see if there are currently nurse aide classes in the city of West Des Moines. photo attribution: tulanesally