The CNA Classes in Thornton, Colorado that are shown to you on this page are all the Colorado state approved certified nursing assistant classes that are currently open for enrollment. For more information about their certified nursing assistant classes, schedules, or tuition rates, just call the number that is provided.
Bollman Technical Education Center
9451 N. Washington St.
Thornton, CO 80229
(Classes are only offered to High School students only)
If you want to work as a nursing assistant in Colorado long-term, then you must have a CNA license. To get one, you must enroll and complete a training program that is approved by the state. If you are already working as one, then you will only have a maximum of 4 months to get your license. The state requires that the programs found there should offer at least 80 hours of training. The training hours will be divided in to theoretical lessons and skills training. You can find that these programs are being offered by colleges, healthcare centers, as well as high schools.
After the completion of a training program, you can then apply for the competency exams that are being conducted by Pearson VUE. Before you can take the exams, you must complete the other requirements like providing proof of your training, filled-up application form, photo ID, fingerprint cards, as well as immunization and physical exam results. Every applicant must have a great state of health to become a nurse aide.
This city is a Home Rule Municipality that is a part of both Adams and Weld counties. It is considered as a suburb of Denver-Aurora-Broomfield, CO Metropolitan Statistical Area. You can find this city just a few miles from Denver. As of the 2010 census, their total population is 118,772. It is considered as the sixth most populous city in the state. It has a total area of approximately 27.2 sq mile and a population density of 3,066.7/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers that you can find within the city limits include Heartland Home Health Care & Hospice, Mount Evans Home Health Care, Home Health Care Professionals, Acer Plant Health Care Services, Thornton Medical Center, and many more. photo attribution: departmentofed