The certified nursing assistant training courses currently in operation within the town of Alexandria, Minnesota are shared here. Call the school to learn the specific information you need to know to enroll, including the cost of tuition and program requirements.
Alexandria Technical College
1601 Jefferson Street, Alexandria, MN 56308
(320) 762-0221
You will need to sign-up for a state recognized training course in order to qualify to take the certification exams. Training will consist of a minimum amount of 75 hours of class instruction and clinical practice. During your instruction you will spend time practicing using common health care skills in a health care environment. After completion you can send in an application form to take the license exams.
The Nursing assistant registry is being handled by the state’s Department of Health. The registry is in charge of registering qualified CNAs to work in licensed care facilities, maintain important information about them, as well as monitor nursing assistant training programs and evaluation program. Only those whose names are on the Registry are allowed to work as a nursing assistant for more than 4 months. If you are already hired by a licensed facility as one, then you must immediately enroll in an approved program as well as pass the competency exams within 4 months from the start of your work. During that time, the facility that hired you must assure that you are well competent to handle different patients or residents.
If you are working for a temporary agency, then you are not allowed to work as a nursing assistant and handle patients/residents until you are able to pass all the tests in the competency exams. Unlike other states, you may challenge a competency exam that is approved by the state directly even if you were not able to complete a state-approved training program.
If you finished your training from a different state, you can still have work in Minnesota. All you have to do to be able to work there is to apply for reciprocity. When applying for the state exams your license must still be valid. You should also have a good reputation with the state that you come from. You will be required to show documents that will prove your training and experience. To learn more you can email the MN Nursing Assistant Registry at:, or call them at 1-800-397-6124, Mon – Fri, 9 AM – 3 PM. You can contact the Minnesota Department of Health at 651-215-8705 to check the status of your license.
This city is the county seat of Douglas County. It was first settled around 1858 and was name after Alexander and William Kinkead. It is sometimes called as “Alex” or “Alec”. According to the census of 2010, their total population had reached up to a total of 11,070 people. They have a total area of 9.4 sq miles, where 0.5 square miles of it is water. The population density of the area is estimated to be around 992.5/sq mile. Major roads that you can use to get to the area include Interstate 94, and State Highways 27 and 29.
Examples of health care centers that are serving the city include Heartland Orthopedic Specialists, Broadway Medical Center, Alexandria Clinic PA, CrossRoads Counseling Centers Inc., Integrated Health Center, Planned Parenthood, Midway Medical Clinic, Milestones, Johnson Chiropractic & Sports Clinic, Rural Health Services Inc., Peaceful Bliss Assisted Living LLC, Prairie Community Services Alexandria Office, and Solutions Behavioral Healthcare Professionals. photo attribution: abbeyfieldkent