The nurse aide schools providing classes in Estherville, Iowa that are shown on this page offer the available programs that you can enroll in. If you want to know about their schedule of classes, enrollment costs, or course/clinical curriculum, please call the number provided.
Iowa Lakes Community College
300 South 18th Street, Estherville, IA 51334
(712) 362-5433
The first step in becoming a certified nurse aide in Iowa is to find a CNA classes to enroll in. The state requires all those who want to become licensed to work, to enter a training program that is approved by the state. This is to ensure that you receive proper education and training and evidently render top quality care to the patients that they will eventually take care of. These programs are found all over Iowa. They are offered by different educational facilities like colleges, community training centers, and even healthcare centers. These training programs are required by the state to offer at least 75 hours of training. These hours will be divided into 45 hours of classroom instructions and 30 hours of clinical experiences. When you go to the clinical area for your duties, you will be placed under the care of a registered nurse.
After you complete your training, the final step before you can work as a nursing assistant is to pass the license exams after you apply for them. One of the most important requirements when applying is being able to pass both the state and federal background checks. If you fail the checks for criminal records, you will not be able to proceed and take the exams. The exam itself is made up of two parts which are a written competency and a manual skills test. You can contact the Iowa Direct Care Worker Registry help desk for more information at any time by calling 515-281-4077 or 1-866-876-1997.
The city of Estherville is the county seat of Emmet County. The first settlers of the area came in the 1850s. It was only in 1881 that the town was officially incorporated. According to the 2010 census, their total population was around 6,360 people. It has a population density of 1,200/sq mile. The total area of the city is estimated to be around 5.2 sq miles, where all of it is land.
Health care facilities that are located within the city area include Avera Clinics, Woman To Woman Clinic, PLC, Avera Estherville Medical Clinic, Hoyer Chiropractic, Sander Chiropractic Office, Sander Chiropractic Office Chiropractor, American Chiropractic Board of Sports Physicians Sports Council, Hoyer Chiropractic, and many more. photo attribution: iubmedicalsciences