To find a certified nursing assistant class in the city of Council Bluffs, Iowa you should call the schools listed on this page. The training facility will be able to answer your questions such as, enrollment details, tuition fees, class schedules, and program curriculum.
Iowa Western Community College
2700 College Rd.,
Council Bluffs, IA 51502
(712) 325-3200
There are several ways for you to become a nursing assistant. The easiest way for you to achieve your goal is to enroll in a nursing assistant training program. When you are looking for a program, you should make sure that the program you select is approved by the state. This is to ensure that you will be allowed to proceed and apply for the license exams after you complete your training. In order to finish the program, you must have at least 30 hours of hands-on clinical experience in a nursing environment and a total of 75 hours of nurses aide instruction. Depending on the program you select, it will take you an average of 2 to 6 months to complete your training.
When you apply for the license exams, you will need to send in your completed application form to either the nearest or your preferred testing centers. Most testing centers are community colleges that also offer nursing assistant training program. Along with your forms, you will also need to provide important documents like fingerprint cards, ID photo, passport size pictures and $150 for the testing fees.
The license exams for this state are composed of a written and a skills evaluation. If you want to get your name entered in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry, you must be able to pass all the tests. Taking this exam is an important step since the state will not allow you to practice if your name is not in the registry. Once certified you will need to work at least 8 hours within a 24 consecutive month period in order to keep your license to work in good standing with the state registry.
This city is the county seat of Pottawattamie County. This city was once known as Kanesville. It was only in 1852 that the name was changed. The total population of the city was around 62,230 people during the 2010 census. Their population density was estimated to be around 1,558.7/sq mile. They are currently the 7th most populous city in the state. Council Bluffs has a total area of approximately 39.7 sq miles, where almost all of it is land. Major roads that are serving this city are Interstates 80 and 29, as well as U.S. Route 6.
Examples of health care centers that are serving this city are Ridge Family Practice PC, Metro OB GYN, Adult & Pediatric Urology, Advanced ChiroCare, Council Bluffs Community Health Center, Orth Chiropractic Clinic, Ansingkar Kamlesh, M. D., Child Health Specialty Clinics, Alegent Health Psychiatric Associates, Kanesville Therapy LLC, Southwest Iowa Medical Center, Advanced Psychiatric Care, and Methodist Physicians Clinic. photo attribution: iubmedicalsciences