Those who wish to work as nurse aides can find the schools providing training in Perham, Minnesota listed here. Call the facility to speak with an official representative to get the latest information regarding becoming certified and included on the state registry.
Perham Memorial Hospital and Home
665 3rd Street SW,
Perham, MN 56573
(218) 346-4500
Becoming a nursing assistant in the state of Minnesota is one of the best ways for you to start your career in the medical field. This is one of the states that are very open when it comes to nursing aides. Even those that finished their training from a different state still have a chance to work there. All they have to do to be able to work is to apply for reciprocity. Those who have experience can challenge the competency exam if they wish. However, most applicants will want to enroll in a stat authorized instruction course to get the hands-on skills practice and classroom coursework to help them prepare for the exam.
To work in Minnesota as a nursing assistant, you must have your name on the state’s Registry. This entails passing the state examination provided by the Pearson Vue company. You can speak to one of their support staff about testing by calling 1-800-274-0504. They can also provide practice tests as well as direct you to the necessary application forms.
If you are already a CNA from a different state and wish to transfer, you can apply for reciprocity by filling out the Interstate Endorsement Forms, which you can download at It will usually take 30 business days for its processing. If your application is incomplete, it will further delay the processing. Remember that the state of Minnesota does not charge any processing fees to get on the Registry.
Once your name is on the Registry, you will have to maintain that status in order for you to remain eligible to work as a nursing assistant. To do so, you must have worked for at least 8 hours as a paid nursing assistant in an approved healthcare facility. Your certification/license must be renewed every two years. Your tasks must be the same as those done in a nursing home. Orientations and trainings are not counted in the 8 working hours.
Inservice is not one of the requirements in order to remain on the Registry. Federal law however has required facilities to provide 12 hours of inservice every year. This of course, is only applicable to certain criteria. If you have any questions regarding inservice, you should ask the facility’s survey team. Call a representative at the MN Department of Health at 651-215-8705 to get further details.
Perham is a part of Otter Tail County. According to the census of 2010, their total population had reached up to a total of 2,985 people. They have a population density of 1,148.1/sq mile. The total area of the city is approximately 2.6 sq miles, where all of it is land. Examples of major highways that are accessible from the city are U.S. Route 10, State Highways 78 and 108.
Examples of health care centers and providers that you can find in the area include Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens, Meritcare, Perham Physical Therapy, Ironwood Home, Langen Family Chiropractic PA, The Thomas House, Pankonin Vincent DR & Bridget, Orthopaedic Associates Fargo, and many more. photo attribution: simajr