The certified nursing assistant schools in Wrangell, Alaska that are available for enrollment are listed on this page. If you have any questions about the CNA classes being offered, feel free to call the phone number provided below. Programs displayed on this page have met the approval of the state registry.
Wrangell General Hospital Nursing Assistant Training
Mailing address: P.O. Box 1081, Wrangell, AK 99929
Physical address: 310 Bennett Street Wrangell, AK 99929
(907) 874-7000
If you want to receive your nursing assistant certification in the state of Alaska you are going to need to take a state approved course. The programs that are approved all offer a minimum of 140 hours of instruction. This instruction is broken down into at least 80 hours of skills experience in a health care type environment and 60 hours of classroom coursework.
After your training you will be able to submit an application with your school transcripts to be able to take the exams. In addition you need to pass a state and federal background screen, submit application fee, and fingerprint card. You must obtain a CNA certification before you can work in a long-term health care facility as a nursing assistant. To get a certification, your name must be in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry. After your training you will be able to submit an application with your school transcripts to be able to take the exams. It will only be entered there if you passed the written and skills demonstration part of the exam.
When you schedule a time to take the competency exam you will be required to pass the written and skills parts of the exam in order to become certified. Those who take the exam are allowed three opportunities to pass both portions. Those who are unable to pass in three attempts are required to retake the training portion of the state requirements. Once you pass you are listed as active in the nurse aide registry and have certification that is valid for 24 months. You can learn more about the registry guidelines by calling them directly at (907) 269-8161.
Wrangell is a part of Wrangell-Petersburg Area, it’s official name is City and Borough of Wrangell. This city was founded back in 1834. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 2,369 people. Wrangell has a total area of approximately 70.84 sq miles and has a population density of 52 / sq mile. The main economy of this city is centered on fishing.
Health care facilities that you can find in the area include Wrangell Public Health Center, Mental Health Services Aics, Tideline Clinic Aics – Tideline Clinic Primary Medical Care, Wrangell Medical Center, Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens, and many more. photo attribution: brewbooks