The certified nursing assistant schools that have been licensed and are available for enrollment in the town of Washington, Georgia are being offered on this page. Call the phone number to find out how you can enroll in their certification class.
Washington-Wilkes Comp High School
1180 Tignall Road,
Washington, GA 30673
(706) 678-2426
In order for you to become certified you will need to submit identifying documentation, pass back ground screening, enroll in CNA classes, and pass the license exams. The training will provide hands-on practice in a clinical environment so that you can practice many of the tasks and procedures needed for the job. You will also receive course theory and procedure coursework in a classroom setting. The course will prepare you for the license exams which your school can help you schedule a date for after you complete the requirements.
At this time school classes must offer 85 hours of theory and lab instruction. In addition the course must provide hands-on skills practice in a nursing home or similar setting. During this skills practice students will use a variety of nursing related procedures and learn how to handle patients in a real life environment. Some of the taks one will learn are: measuring vital signs, communication skills, transporting residents, feeding, dressing, safety procedures, infection control, range of motion exercises, and catheter care.
During the certification exam you will need to pass both parts of the two part exam. There is a skills test and a written or oral exam. Those who pass become certified and listed in the registry. Having you name included on the registry allows you to be eligible to work as a nursing assistant for 2 years. Workers are required to submit verification of time spent on the job in order to renew their registry listing. All who wish to remain listed in the registry must complete this process every 2 years. For more details on recent registry qualification contact them at (678) 527-3010.
Washington is the county seat of Wilkes County. It was originally known as Heard’s Fort but is now known to the locals as Washington-Wilkes. According to the census of 2000, their total population was around 4,295 residents. It has a total area of 7.8 sq miles and a population density of 550.6/sq mile.
Health care clinics that you can find in the area include Heritage Healthcare of Wilkes, Serenity Behavioral Health, Wilkes Medical Specialty Clinic, Community Medical Associates, Internal Medicine and Nephrology Associates, Community Medical Associates, Washington Internal Medicine, and Med-Link-Washington. photo attribution: codnewsroom