The schools one can enroll in to become a nurse aide in Willits, California that are all provided for you below are all the college classes and health care institution training programs that are currently being offered. If you have any questions regarding their training, please contact the school through the number provided.
Northbrook Nursing and Rehabilitation
64 Northbrook Way,
Willits, CA 95490
(707) 459-5592
One of the best ways to start a career in the field of medicine is to become a nursing assistant. CNA is an entry-level profession; compared to other careers, training to become a certified nursing assistant is quicker and a lot more affordable. Each state has its own requirements to become a certified nurse aide. However, most of them involve the completion of a state-approved training program, passing the criminal background checks, and taking on the certification exam.
CNA training programs are offered through numerous institutions and schools like hospitals, community colleges, vocational and technical schools, nursing homes, government organizations, private training centers, and even certain websites.
All student nursing assistants are required to get fingerprinted through the Live Scan for the criminal background checks. The criminal background checks have been made mandatory because of the number of incidences that involved healthcare providers like nursing assistants. You must make sure that you will be able to pass the checks before even considering this line of work.
Nursing assistant training in California consists of a minimum of 50 hours of lectures and 100 hours of clinical practice. Students are taught basic nursing skills and procedures, as well as important nursing concepts like infection control, human anatomy, nutrition, vital signs, medical terminologies, weights and measurements, and many more. Depending on the program, it can take 2 to 6 months of continuous training to complete a program in California.
Completing a CDPH-approved program will make you eligible to apply for the certification exam. In order to finalize your qualification, you must complete and submit the Initial Application form ( to the CDPH. Once the CDPH reviews your application, you must wait for them to inform you that you may submit your Application form ( for the certification exam.
The certification exam is a two part exam that initially consists of a multiple-choice written test and a skills evaluation. Those who have trouble reading can request for an oral version of the written test, for an additional payment of $15. In order to get certified, a candidate must be able to pass all the tests within 2 years after completing his or her training.
Willits is a city that is situated in Mendocino County. This city was formerly known as Little Lake and Willitsville. You can also find this city just a few miles northwest of Ukiah. According to last year’s census, they now have a total population of over 4,888 people. This city has a total area of approximately 2.803 sq miles and a population density of 1,743.8/sq mile.
Health care centers that you can find in the area include Little Lake Health Center (707) 456-9600, Baechtel Creek Medical Clinic (707) 459-6861, Mendocino Community Health Clinic (707) 456-3850, and Mendocino County Mental Health Services – Crisis-Suicide Prevention (707) 459-4638. photo attribution: usdagov