The nurse aide classes in Waupaca, Wisconsin that are being offered as of the moment are all listed on this page. For more information about taking one of their license preparation courses, please call the faculty using the number below to speak with a school representative.
WAUPACA, WI 54981-
(715) 258-5055
The first thing that you need to do to become a nursing aide is to enroll in a state-certified training program. You can find a number of suitable programs being offered by hospitals, nursing homes, community colleges, technical and vocational schools, and other healthcare institutions and schools. When looking for one, just make sure to choose a program that’s approved by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.
Enrolling in a certified training program will ensure that the education and training that you’ll receive is proper. It’ll also ensure that you’ll be able to apply for the NNAAP exam once you complete your training. Approved programs are required to offer a minimum of 120 hours of training, of which 32 hours are allocated for supervised clinical practice. Training curriculum must always consist of both theory and practical training, which is why those who completed online courses are not allowed to apply for the NNAAP exam.
Worried about training and testing costs? Well, you shouldn’t. If you pay for your training and testing prior to employment, you better keep all your receipts. Why? It’s because you may be eligible for a reimbursement. To qualify, you must find work within one year after getting into the Nurse Aide Registry and getting your certification.
The NNAAP exam consists of a written/oral test and a skills evaluation exam. The exam is conducted by the American Red Cross (ARC) with the help of Pearson VUE. Candidates will only be entered into the NAR if they pass both tests. Each candidate is given a maximum of 3 attempts, and a duration of one year after completing training to get certified. If a candidate fails to get certified within those conditions, then he or she must undergo retraining.
A certified nursing aide from another state is welcome to transfer and work in Wisconsin by applying for reciprocity. Reciprocity will allow CNAs to gain entry into the Nurse Aide Registry with the chance that they will no longer have to undergo any additional training or testing. Applicants must have a clean record and an active certification to qualify for reciprocity.
This city is in Waupaca County. It was named after Sam Waupaca (or Chief Wapuka) of the Potowatomi tribe. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 6,069 people. It has a total area of approximately 6.1 sq miles, and has a population density of 924.6/sq mile. Major roads serving the area include U.S. 10, WIS 49, WIS 22, and WIS 54.
Examples of health care centers that you can find in the area include Broadway Vision Center, Crystal River Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Orthopedic Specialists SC, Health Concepts, Harvey Dental, Thedacare Physicians, Orthopaedic Specialists Sc, and Dialysis Care Inc. photo attribution: ufv