One can find the nursing assistant classes that are open for enrollment in Tustin, California below on this page. Those who sign-up will need to meet several requirements prior to being admitted to the school program. Talk to a representative to see how you can apply.
Tustin Hospital and Medical Center
14662 Newport Avenue,
Tustin, CA 92780
(714) 838-9600
Tustin Manor Convalescent
1051 Bryan Avenue,
Tustin, CA 92680
(714) 832-6780
If you are seeking a job in health care, then you should try to become a nursing assistant. Nursing assistants in California are very in demand in different health care settings. One of the many benefits of training to become a nursing assistant is that the training is quick and affordable. You can start working as a nursing assistant within 6 months. To work as a nursing assistant in California, you must get a CNA certificate.
CNA Training Program
The first step in the certification process is to enroll in a state-approved training program. Attending and completing a program will make you eligible to apply for the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program exam. Passing the NNAAP exam will get you certified by the state’s Aide and Technician Certification Section.
Training programs offer at least 150 hours of training. The hours are divided into classroom lectures and supervised clinical practice. Students are taught different procedures and concepts such as how to assist in a patient’s daily activities like bathing, dressing, toileting, eating, exercising, and ambulating.
Applying for the NNAAP Examination
There are two forms that must be submitted before you can challenge the NNAAP exam. These forms include:
1. CNA Initial Application Forms (
2. NNAAP Examination Application Form (
The first form must be submitted to the CDPH. The address if provided on the upper right corner of the first page. Submitting the initial application will finalize your eligibility to take the NNAAP exam. The second form must be submitted to the Regional Testing Center in your area to schedule for an exam date. You have to wait for the response of the CDPH before you submit the 2nd set of forms.
NNAAP Examination
The NNAAP exam initially consists of a written knowledge test and a skills evaluation test, both of which are taken on the same day. If you have trouble reading English, you can request to take the oral version of the knowledge test instead. You will only get certified if you pass both parts within 3 attempts and within 2 years after completing your training. If you fail to meet any of those conditions, you must undergo retraining before you can reapply once more.
CNA Certificates
CNA certificates are only valid for 2 years after passing the exam. It must be renewed before it expired to maintain your eligibility to work as a nursing assistant. The recertification process will involve 2 forms that must be completed and submitted to the CDPH. These forms will contain all the information that you need to know what to do.
1. CNA Renewal Application (
2. CNA In-Service/ Continuing Education Units (
Tustin is a part of Orange County, which also a part of the Los Angeles Metropolitan area. According to last year’s census, Tustin now has a population that is over 75,540 people. You can find this city a few miles next to the county seat which is Santa Ana. This city has a total area of 11.082 sq miles and a population density of 6,816.8/sq mile.
Toshiba America Medical Systems, Tustin Hospital Medical Center, and the HealthSouth are three of the biggest employers in the city who are engage in health care. Other health care centers that you can find in the area include Dong Kook Health Care Center, Green Meadows Home Health Care, 3M Health Care Sales, and many more like them. photo attribution: departmentofed