The schools one can find in Templeton, California that are currently conducting nurse aide training are shown here. Those who apply will need to meet several requirements before they can begin instruction. Call a facility to learn about the latest sign-up dates and requirements.
[There are no CNA Classes in Templeton, CA that are being offered as of the moment.]
California is one of the best places to start a career as a nursing aide. Because of the high demand for nursing aides in the state, a lot of training institutions, health care providers, and schools are now offering this training. Depending on the program you select, it can cost you about $600 – $1,000 for training. However, there are also a lot of training programs that offer much affordable training prices. You can also try to train under the American Red Cross.
CNA training in California takes 150 hours to complete. 50 of the hours are allotted for classroom lessons on the topics that are mandated by the CDPH to be taught, while the remaining 100 are in clinical practice. The training programs are required to teach their students 16 different modules that would include topics like body mechanics, infection control, nutrition, patient rights and independence, vital signs, basic nursing care, long-term care patients, any many more.
During the entire training students are handled by nurse aide instructors. These instructors are registered nurses with at least 2 years of working experience as nurses. Six months prior to the start of their instructor career they completed 24 hours of continuing education regarding planning, implementing, and evaluating nursing education programs. Students are not allowed to perform any procedure without their presence.
Most training programs in California can be completed within 2 to 6 months of continuous training. As soon as you are through with your training, you will be eligible and ready to challenge the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program examination or the NNAAP exam. This exam was developed to test the competency of all aspiring nursing assistant candidates. It consists of a written/oral knowledge exam and a clinical skills test. If you pass all the tests, you will receive a CNA certificate issued by the ATCS.
The CNA certificate is printed on a special stock paper with several security features. You can show the certificate to your possible employers when you go job hunting. The certificate will prove that you were able to meet all training and testing requirements.
This Census-designated place is a part of San Luis Obispo County. According to last year’s census, they now have a total population that went up to 7,674 people. Templeton has a total area of approximately 7.766 sq miles and a population density of 988.2/sq mile. It is just a few miles north of Atascadero and south of Paso Robles. Major roads that you can find along this town include U.S. 101 and State Route 46.
Health care providers that you can find in the area include Stanford Hospital, Templeton Imaging Medical Corporation, Las Tablas Medical Group, Medworks, Smith N Birrell MD, Community Health Center, Anthony & Zinke Family Med Group, Pain and Spine Medicine Center of The Central Coast, and Radiology Diagnostic Center. photo attribution: departmentofed