The nursing assistant training courses located in Tallulah, Louisiana that are listed on this page are all open at this time for you to enroll in. If you want to find out more about their education programs, please call the number below to speak with a facility administrator.
Louisiana Technical College
132 Old Highway 65 South,
Tallulah, LA 71284
(318) 574-4820
It is not that hard to become a certified nursing aide in Louisiana if you know what requirements to meet. The first and most important requirement is to enroll in a CNA training program. To ensure that the programs are offering the proper education and training, for them to be approved, they will have to submit their curriculum to the Registry for it to be reviewed. During instruction you will be undergoing both classroom and clinical sessions which should teach you the basic skills and knowledge which is required for this job. The training lasts only for a few weeks and costs only a few hundred dollars.
In order for the nursing assistants to have a uniform training, the Registry has given a list of topics that must be included in their training. Examples of such topics include infection control, communication and therapeutic skills, personal care, mental health and rehabilitation, promotion of safety, and emergency protocols and procedures. As for the number of training hours, the Registry has required that the programs offer a minimum of 80 hours of training. These hours must include at least 40 hours of clinical exposure.
After passing a program, the fresh graduate will then be allowed to apply for the license exams. When applying, he/she must submit fingerprint cards, government issued IDs, passport-sized pictures, and the payment for the exam fees. To ensure that you are not carrying any disease, especially TB, you will be required to undergo TB testing and submit the results.The exams are made up of two parts which include a written and a demonstration part. Applicants must successfully complete both parts and meet all other requirements in order to be licensed. Active status is awarded for a two year period and you will need to show work verification of one 8 hour shift on the job to remain active. You can call Shirley Smith, at (225) 342-5779 with any questions you have about current rules.
Tallulah is the county seat of Madison Parish. This city is known for being the first city in the entire country to have an indoor shopping mall. The city is a primary city of the Tallulah Micropolitan Statistical Area. According to the latest census that was taken there, their total population was around 9,189 people. They had a population density of 3,369.0 / sq mile. The total area of this city is estimated to be 2.7 sq miles, where all of it is land.
Health care facilities that are found in the city include Madison Parish Hospital, Marie’s Family Healthcare & Sitter Service, Outpatient Medical Center Inc., Tallulah Mental Health Clinic, Senior Care Center of Madison, Neumann Thomas A MD LTD A Medical Corp, Neumann T A MD LTD Screening Clinic, and many more. photo attribution: dmott9