The colleges that are providing certified nursing assistant training in Sylva, North Carolina can be found descibed below. These courses have all been state approved and allow the applicant the ability to qualify for license testing. For more information about signing up for instruction, class enrollment dates, or tuition costs, just call the number provided.
Southwestern Community College
447 College Drive,
Sylva, NC 28779
(828) 586-4091
The main requirement for work as a nursing assistant is to possess a CNA certification. In the state of North Carolina, the only way to do this is to successfully pass the nursing aide competency exam. This exam is designed by the NCSBN to test all aspiring nursing assistants in their competency to function their duties and responsibilities.
The competency exam is only available to those who received the proper training. This can be from a nursing assistant training program that is approved by the state of North Carolina; a training program from a different state that still meets the requirements of OBRA ’87; or a nursing education program. Certified nursing assistants from other states who want to work in N.C. are also required to take the competency exam, but are not required to undergo any additional training.
The competency exams in North Carolina are handled by Pearson VUE. You may only take the exam at an approved testing center such as a regional testing site. If your training program wants to conduct the exam at their own facilities, they must apply for in-facility testing.
The competency exam or the National Nurse Aide Assessment Exam consists of a written exam and a skills evaluation. To get into the Registry, you must be able to pass all the tests. If you fail, you will only be required to retake the portion which you failed in. If you fail after the third attempt, you must enroll in another training program before you can apply for the exam again.
Having a CNA I license can open new opportunities for you. If you want to give medications, can train to become a CMA or a certified medication aide. A CMA is a nursing assistant who is trained to give non-injectable medications to patients, while still under the supervision of a registered nurse. To become one, you must complete a 24-hour training course and pass the medication aide competency exam afterwards, which is still conducted by Pearson VUE. If you want to know the available training courses, please contact your local community college or your Area Health Education Center.
This town is the county seat of Jackson County. You can find this town in the Great Smoky Mountains. It is in the western portion of the state. According to the 2010 census, their total population was at 2,588.This town has a total area of approximately 3.2 sq miles. Its population density is 807.6/sq mile. Sylva was named after William D. Sylva, who was a Danish handyman.
Examples of health care providers that you can find in the city include Wilkey D L MD FACS, Current Medical Services, Wnc Pediatric and Adolescent Care, Kelley’s Home Health Services, Sylva Medical Center, Mountain View Physicians, Harris Regional Hospital – Physician Recruitment, and Highland Emergency Physicians 200. photo attribution: ufv