The training to prepare one to become a nurse aide that is located in South Pasadena, California is provided for you below. Not all programs are accepted by the state and are authorized for instruction. Make sure the program you wish to join is state approved before enrolling.
[There are no CNA Classes in South Pasadena, CA that are currently being offered as of the moment.]
There are nursing assistant school classes in the nearby city of Pasadena.
If you are seeking a job in health care, then you should try to consider becoming a nursing assistant. Nursing assistants are very high not only in California but in other states as well. You can find a nursing assistant working under the supervision of a licensed nurse in different health care setting. Their main task involves providing nursing care to patients that are delegated by the nurses.
One of the benefits of training to become a nursing assistant is that the training process is quick. Most programs in California can be completed in 2 to 6 months. Approved training programs in the state are required to offer a minimum of 150 hours of training which are divided into lectures and clinical practice.
Prior to handling any patient, the students are required to be fingerprinted and undergo criminal background checks at federal and state levels. A copy of the completed Request for Live Scan Service must be sent to the ATCS prior to the start of the practical training portion of the program.
Completing an approved training program will make you eligible to apply for the certification exam. The federal and state requires all nursing assistants to be certified to work in a nursing home or a long-term care facility. This exam consists of a written/oral knowledge test and a skills evaluation exam. You will only get certified if you pass all the tests.
With the shortage of nursing assistants in California, the state is now offering CNAs from other states reciprocity. This process will allow them to transfer their certification to California so that they can work. To be eligible for this process, applicants must have an active certification and a clean record. Applicants must not be on the Abuse Registry. For the protection of the patients, all applicants are still required to undergo the national background checks.
CNA certifications in the state are only valid for 24 months. You must renew your certification to maintain your eligibility to work. No nursing assistant is allowed to work with an expired certification. To avoid any problems when renewing, you must inform the ATCS if you change your name or address. Please inform them within 60 days of the change.
This city is located within the Los Angeles County. As of the 2010 census, they now have a total population of about 25,619 people. You can also find this city in the West San Gabriel Valley. It has a total area of approximately 3.417 sq miles and a population density of 7,497.5/sq mile. It is also a few miles north of San Rafael Hills and easy of Arroyo Seco.
The South Pasadena Convalescent Hospital and the Mission Hospice are two of the biggest employers in the city that are engaged in health care. Other health care providers in the area include Vesta Healthcare Corp., Sincere Healthcare Four Women, Rejuvayou, Far East Holistic Health Care Center Inc., Persona Neurobehavior Group, Elements Health Center, 9950Zableckis David Psyd, and Huntington Behavioral Health. photo attribution: departmentofed