The nursing assistant training conducted by schools in Santa Barbara, California is listed on this page. These programs have been approved by the state and will grant one the ability to go to the testing phase upon completion. Call to speak to a representative to get additional details.
Santa Barbara City College
721 Cliff Drive
Santa Barbara, CA 93109
(805) 965-0581
You can only work in California as a nurse aide if you have a CNA certification. There are several different requirements that must be met in order to get certified as a nurse aide. Luckily, the almost all of the requirements can be met within 6 months.
First of all, you must look for a suitable training program to enroll in. Nurse aides work almost throughout the day with the patients. It is important that every nurse aide knows how to take care or meet every patient’s individual needs. Because of the demand for nurse aides, you aspiring nurse aides will have no trouble looking for a program. When searching for a program, please remember to only enroll in a program that is approved by the state’s Department of Public Health.
Most training facilities will require you to have a high school diploma or GED certificate to enroll. Before you even consider entering this line of work, it is important that you pass the federal and state background checks. Criminal background checks for all aspiring nurse aides are now mandatory because of the number of incidents that involve healthcare providers.
Approved training programs offer a minimum of 50 hours of lectures and 100 hours of supervised clinical practice. Students will spend 16 hours learning about infection control, safety and emergency procedures, respecting patients’ rights, promoting their independence, communication skills, and basic nursing skills before they take care of any patient. To help you locate a school that meets the requirements set by the state you can call the Training Program Review Unit at (916) 552-8873.
After completing training the next step is to challenge the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program exam or NNAAP exam. This exam was developed to test the competency of nurse aide students in both knowledge and skills. Those who are able to pass all the tests will receive a nurse aide certificate from the Aide and Technician Certification Section.
After receiving your certification it will be your responsibility to keep it active. Your certification will only be valid for 2 years. You must find work as a paid nurse aide for at least 8 hours and complete 48 hours of in-service/CE within that time to be qualified for renewal. For more information about renewing your CNA certification, please follow this link:
This city is the county seat of Santa Barbara County. It has a total population of 88,410 which went down about 2,000 individuals. It is the second largest city in the state after Santa Maria. It has a total area of 41.968 sq miles and a population density of 4,541/sq miles.
The Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital and the Sansum Clinic are considered two of the largest employers in the city. Other health centers in the city include Addus Healthcare Inc., Recovery Road Medical Center, Right at Home, Holistic Health Center of Santa Barbara, Advantus Medical Fax, Meditech Health Services, and many more. photo attribution: usdagov