The certified nursing assistant programs found in the town of Sanger, California are provided below. For more information about the school facility, just call the number provided for more information about class times, course materials, and tuition cost.
Golden Living Training Center
2550 9TH street
Sanger, Ca 93657
(559) 875-6501
Valley ROP Sanger High School
1045 Bethel
Sanger, CA 93657
(559) 876-2122
The first step in becoming a nursing assistant in California is to enroll in a state-certified CNA training course. Training courses will make you capable of meeting the individual demands and needs of every patient. Your training will consist of lectures and supervised clinical practice. It can take a minimum of 150 hours to complete a course. A training institution can increase the number of training hours by providing a copy of their lesson plan and schedule to the CA Department of Public Health.
Approved courses are required to 16 modules, which will cover topics such as patients’ rights, body mechanics, interpersonal skills, patient care skills, vital signs, nutrition, long-term care patients, rehabilitative nursing, observation and charting, death and dying, and many more.
If you want to further your knowledge, skills, and training, you can enroll at the same time in a Home Health Aide Training program. Since you are already enrolled in a 150-hour CNA training course, you will only be required to enroll in a 40-hour HHA program. These hours are divided equally into lectures and practical training, and will act as supplemental training for your nurse aide course. Completing this program will also make you eligible to become an HHA, which places you ahead of the competition.
Your training in the CNA course will make you eligible to apply for the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program examination for 2 years. This exam is divided into a 70-item multiple-choice written knowledge test and a clinical skills test. Those who have trouble with reading English can request to take an oral exam for the knowledge test. Candidates are given 2 hours for the knowledge test and 25 minutes to perform all required nursing skills in the skills test. You can learn more about certification requirements by contacting the Department of Public Health at (916) 327-2445 or ask questions via email at
A failed test means a failed NNAAP exam. You will have to reapply and retake the test that you failed. Candidates are only given 3 attempts to pass. A failed 3rd attempt means that you will have to complete another training course before you can reapply again.
If you pass all the tests the ATCS will send you your CNA certificate. This will be used when you apply for work as a nursing assistant. Becoming certified is very important since you will not be allowed to work in this state without meeting those requirements. To keep your eligibility to work as a certified nursing assistant, you must keep your certification current. All CNAs are required to renew their certification every 24 months.
To be eligible for renewal, you must have worked for at least 8 hours as a nursing assistant while under the supervision of a licensed nurse. The State also requests you to complete 48 hours of continuing education or in-service training. You can find more information by visiting this link:
Sanger is a city that can be located within Fresno County. It has a population of 24,270 as of the last census which was last year. Its population has grown only around 6 thousand within the span of 10 years. The city was designated to be the “National Christmas Tree City” back in 1949.
Health care centers in Sanger, CA include California Heart Medical Association (559) 875-9003, Sanger Walk-In Clinic and Wellness Center (559) 876-6070, Adventist Health Community Care (559) 875-6900, United Health Centers (559) 875-6000, United Health Centers of The San Joaquin Valley (559) 876-6703, Bautista Rural Medical Clinics Inc (559) 875-3428, and STD Test Express (559) 512-6642. photo attribution: westconn