Enrolling in a nursing assistant program is vital to becoming licensed. You can find the schools in Red Bluff, California that are currently open for this training below. For any questions, you can call the number provided on this page.
Brentwood Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
1795 Walnut Street,
Red Bluff, CA 96080
(916) 527-2046
If you want to work as a nursing assistant, then you will need a CNA certification. Nurse Aide certifications are only given to those who were able to prove their competence in both knowledge and skills in the certification exam.
The certification exam is only for those who have received state-approved training. You can either complete a nursing education program, gain military education as a medic or corpsman, or you can complete a 150-hour CNA training program. Among the three mentioned, the fastest way is to complete a CNA program.
Certified nursing assistant programs are found throughout the United States. Because of the high demand for nursing assistants, different institutions are now offering CNA training. To ensure that you will become eligible to apply for the certification exam afterwards, you must only enroll in a program that is approved by the Department of Public Health.
Training programs in California are required to offer 150 hours of training. Their curriculums are divided into classroom lessons and practical training. Students will learn 16 different modules covering different concepts such a body mechanics, basic patient care, patient rights and independence, infection control, nutrition, personal care, and communication and interpersonal skills.
Once you are through with your training, you will be ready to take on the certification exam. This exam consists of a 70-item written exam and a practical skills evaluation. Both portions are taken on the same day at a regional testing center. If you have trouble reading English you can request for the oral version of the written exam instead. Keep in mind that you will have to pay an additional $15 if you chose to take the oral exam. You must pass all the tests to get your certification.
You can get an application packet from your instructor or download one from http://www.asisvcs.com/publications/pdf/070508.pdf. Complete the form and send it along with your payment fee of $90 to your nearest Regional Testing Center. If you do not know the testing center, please go to www.pearsonvue.com or www.cdph.ca.gov and download a copy of the Candidate Handbook, which also contains other information regarding the exam.
Red Bluff is the county seat of Tehama County. As of the latest census, their population has now grown up to 14,076 people. It is a few miles south of Redding. Other nearby cities include Chico and Sacramento. This city is considered the third largest city in the Shasta Cascades. It has a total area of approximately 7.677 sq miles and a population density of 1,833.5/sq miles.
Examples of health care centers and providers that you can see in the area include Red Bluff Healthcare Center, Tehama County Mental Health Services – Adult Drop In Center, Kitchell Jacqueline, Northern Valley Indian Health, Counseling North,Greenville Rancheria, Owens Healthcare, Addus Healthcare Skilled Services, and Teresa Tioran DO. photo attribution: departmentofed