The nursing assistant schools conducting training programs in Pleasanton, California are listed below. As of this writing we could only find one nursing assistant class in town. Call the phone number or visit their website for additional details about school class times, tuition costs, and schedules.
Pass Institute
405 Boulder Court Suite 100
Pleasanton, CA 94566
(925) 754-2879
(Morning and evening classes designed for working adults)
The first step in becoming a nursing assistant in California is to look for a suitable CNA training program to enroll in. Because of the number of people who wish to become nursing assistants you will have no problem looking for a suitable program to enroll in. There are a multitude of programs that are offered by various institutions and schools throughout the state. All you have to remember is to only choose a program that is approved by the state’s Department of Public Health or CDPH.
Approved programs take a minimum of 150 hours to complete. These hours consist of both lectures and clinical practice. Students will be taught about basic nursing procedures like vital signs taking, safety and emergency procedures, and different nursing concepts like infection control, therapeutic communication skills, roles and responsibilities of a nursing assistant, and the rights and independence of the patients. Approved programs will provide you will all the necessary knowledge and skills to take care of the patients.
Completing an approved program will qualify you to apply for the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program exam or NNAAP exam. Before taking the test you will have to submit your school transcripts, pass a background check, submit a fingerprint card, photo I.D, proof of immunizations and a completed application.
Taking this exam is a crucial and final step in becoming a nursing assistant. It is a two part exam that consists of a multiple-choice knowledge test and a clinical skills exam. Passing both tests will determine that your competency as a nursing assistant has met federal and state standards.
All the names of those who will pass the NNAAP exam are forwarded to the ATCS. The ATCS will then enter those names into the Nurse Aide Registry, which is a master list of all certified nursing assistants in California. Once the names are entered, they will then send CNA certificates to those who passed, which can be used when applying for a job.
Nurse aide certifications are only valid for a maximum of 2 years. During that time you must work for at least one day as a CNA and complete 48 hours of in-service training or continuing education in order to qualify for renewal. Your eligibility to work in a state-approved nursing facility will remain so long as your name is on the NAR. If you fail to renew your certification then you will no longer be allowed to continue working.
The city of Pleasanton CA has a population of 70,285 and resides within Alameda County. Pleasanton is located approximately 25 miles east of Oakland. Two of the largest employers in town are Kaiser Permanente, and Valley Care Medical Center. Other Pleasanton health care centers include Pleasanton Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Valley Care Health, Axis Community Health, and Bay Valley Medical Group. photo attribution: codnewsroom