The certified nurse aide classes in Plainville, Connecticut that are open for enrollment are all listed on this page. Included in the list are only the training programs that have been licensed and approved by the Department of Public Health. Contact the school to get more information about how you can enroll in their course instruction.
Plainville Health Care Center
269 Farmington Ave.,
Plainville, CT 06062
(860) 747-1637
The requirements of being a certified nursing assistant in the state of Connecticut are similar to those of other states. You must first complete a certified nursing assistant training program with the needed amount of lectures and duties. After which, you can then
The state of Connecticut is required to start and maintain a CNA training and competency exams programs. This is done for the purpose of improving the standard of care for both nurse aides and healthcare facilities. For a training program to be approved, it must offer its students at least 100 hours of training and be coordinated by a Registered Nurse with a minimum of 2 years of experience. It must teach is students the different concepts that were identified as important by the federal and the state. The students must also be trained on at least 25 different basic nursing skills. Before they are able to handle patients in the clinical area, they must have 16 hours of training on infection control, resident’s rights and independence, therapeutic communication skills, and the safety and emergency protocols.
Once they student has graduated from the program, he or she will become eligible for the licensee exams. This is the final challenge in becoming a nursing assistant. To apply, the applicant must send the necessary documents like completed application form, transcripts, ID photo, fingerprint cards, as well as the payments for the different exam fees. The state will also require you to submit the results for the federal and state background checks. Failing to submit these results will make you unable to proceed and take the exams.
All of the applications are forwarded to Thomson Prometric since they are the ones who are conducting the CNA exams for this state. You can reach them for any questions by calling Prometric at 866-499-7485. Once you take and pass the certification exam your license will be valid for up to 2 years.
This town is a part of Hartford County. It is bordered by both Metacomet Ridge and Bradley Mountain on both its sides. This town was incorporated back in 1869. According to the last census that was taken there, their total population had reached up to a total of 17,382 residents. It has a total area of 9.8 sq miles, where only 0.1 square mile of it is water. Its population is estimated to be 1,792/sq mile.
Health care centers that you can find in the area include Umass Memorial Healthcare, Vna Health Care Inc., Collaborative Psychiatric Services, Apple Rehab Farmington Valley, Fox Healthcare LLC, Bridges to Health Therapeutic Massage Center LLC, Triad Healthcare Inc., Colon and Rectal Surgeons of Greater Hartford, PSA HealthCare, Healthcare Impinal, and Central Connecticut Physical Medicine & Alliance Occupational Health. photo attribution: departmentofed