The state recognized nurse aide classes located in Palo Alto, California are listed on this page. Potential students should call to speak with an adviser of the school to learn about their specific requirements and training enrollment information.
Bay Area College Of Nursing, Inc.
824 San Antonio Rd.
Palo Alto, CA 94303
(650) 858-6810
Enrolling in a state-approved CNA training program is the first step in a nursing assistant. Completing an approved training program is the one of the requirements in getting a CNA certificate. According to the OBRA of ’87, you can only work as a nursing assistant if you are properly trained and certified.
When looking for a program in California always remember to select a program that is approved by the CDPH. You can generally find good programs being offered by numerous healthcare institutions like hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living centers, rehabilitation clinics, and long-term care centers.
Nursing assistant training comprises of 50 hours of classroom lessons and 100 hours of on-the-job training. Depending on the program you choose, it can take you about 8 to 24 weeks to complete your training. Here are some examples of the things that you will learn in the program:
• Basic nursing care
• Personal care
• Nutrition
• Medical terminologies
• Human anatomy
• Vital signs
• Roles and responsibilities
• Patients’ rights and independence
• Infection control
• Communication and Interpersonal Skills
After completing your training the next step is to apply for the certification exam. The certification exam in this state is conducted with the assistance of Pearson VUE at approved testing centers. All applications for the certification exam must be sent to the Regional Testing Center in your area.
The certification exam consists of a multiple-choice knowledge test and a skills evaluation. This exam will test all your knowledge and skills about being a nursing assistant. It was designed to test the competency of all aspiring nursing assistants. If you pass all the tests you will receive a CNA certificate from the ATCS.
The certificate will prove that you are a competent and certified nursing assistant. Employers will always verify applicant’s certification before hiring them. You are allowed to work in a state-approved nursing facility so long as your certificate remains active. To keep it active you must renew your certification every 2 years before it expires.
Palo Alto is a California charter city. You can find this city in the northwest part of Santa Clara County. It is bordered by places like Mountain View, Los Altos, Stanford, Portola Valley, and Menlo Park. As of the latest census, they now have a total population of 64,403 residents.
There are three hospitals that are considered three of the biggest employers in the city. These hopital/centers are Stanford University Medical Center/Hospital, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, and Veteran’s Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System. Other health centers in the city also include Bek Shawn DC Integrated Health Care, STD Test Express, Waverly Surgery Center, and Hamilton Medical Offices. photo attribution: usdagov