Those looking for instruction in Pacifica, California on how to become certified as a nursing assistant can locate the most recent schools on this page. Included in the page are different training programs and classes currently available. For more information about how to become a nursing assistant, certification requirements, tuition costs, or class schedules, contact the number provided.
Pacifica Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
385 Esplanade Street,
Pacifica, CA 94044
(650) 993-5576
Linda Mar Care Center
751 San Pedro Road,
Pacifica, California 94044
(415) 359-4800
If you are planning on becoming a nursing assistant in California, it is important that you know what the requirements are. This will give you the idea on what to do and will make things quicker and easier. Once you become a CNA, you will have no problems seeking employment since this profession is in need throughout the state of California.
People with different educational levels can become a nursing aide. You can have a high school diploma, an associate’s degree, or even a bachelor’s degree in Nursing. The first step in becoming a nursing assistant is to look for a suitable training program to enroll in. Although each program has its own requirements, many of them will only require their students to have at least a high school diploma. Before enrolling in any program, please make sure that it is approved by the CA Department of Public Health. While enrolled, students will spend their time in the classroom for lectures and in the clinical area of their on-the-job training. It can take 4-6 months of continuous training to complete a program, depending on the program you enroll in.
Once you are through, you can then apply for the National Nurse Aide Association Program examination. This exam was created to define a standard of nursing assistants in the United States. It will test the candidates in their knowledge and skills to see if they are competent to become a CNA. The NNAAP exams in California are handled by Pearson VUE. You can get an application packet or apply directly for the exams by going to
If you pass all the tests of the NNAAP exams, the Aide and Technician Certification Section will issue you your CNA certificate. You will then use this certificate when you apply for a work. Employers will only hire nursing assistants who are properly certified. Before hiring any applicant, they will double-check the certificate by going to
Your eligibility to work as a nursing assistant will only last for 2 years. If you want to continue this eligibility, you must renew your certification before it expires. No individual is allowed to work in any certified nursing facility with an expired certificate. If you renew your certificate after it has expired but within 2 years after its expiration, you will be allowed to reactivate it by taking an evaluation exam.
This is a city that is part of San Mateo County. It lies on the coast of the Pacific Ocean just between San Francisco and Half Moon Bay. According to the latest census, they have a total population of 37,234. Their total area is approximately 12.660 sq miles where less than 1% of it is water. Their population density is 2,941.1/sq miles. Neighboring places you can see near this city include Fairmont, Westview, Edgemar, Sarp Park, Perto Point and many more.
Health care centers and providers found in the city include Gia Spa, Intention Tech, Karma Wellness Boutique, Richard Corelli Md, Richard Corelli Md, Pacifica Nursing & Rehab Center, and Acupuncture Works / Ella Woods, L.Ac. photo attribution: westconn