The nurse aide classes in Ossining, New York that are listed on this page are all the license courses that you can enroll in as of the moment. For more details about enrolling in state certification preparation training in the city, call the number for the school below. Facilities must be approved by the state in order to allow students the ability to take the examination.
Westchester Community College Ossining Extension Site
22 Rockledge Avenue
Ossining, NY 10562
(914) 606-7400
Completing a state-certified training program is one of methods to establish eligibility to take the CNA license exams. These programs take 75 hours to complete and must be approved by the New York State Department of Health before they are allowed to handle any students.
If an individual is employed by a New York state-approved nursing facility prior to enrolling in the program, the individual may not be charged for any expenses incurred during training. These expenses may include, but are not limited to, costs for textbooks and other materials that will be used during the course of the training and for the payment of the exam fees. A nursing aide who was able to find work in an approved nursing aide employer within 12 months from the date that he passed the exam, the nursing aide will still be eligible for reimbursement for both the training and the testing fees.
To avoid any problems, it is advised that all the official receipts should be kept by the individual. It will be the nursing home who will take the receipts, make copies, and send them to the NYSDOH. The state will then make the payments directly to the nursing facility, which will be used to reimburse the nursing aide.
For those who are employed in a nursing facility that is also allowed to do in-facility testing, the application forms of the candidates are sent to the person in charge of filing them to Prometric. When submitting the forms, the payment for the examination fees must also be included. The payments for the fees that are to be included should only be of the candidates who are taking the exams on the specific date. Please remember that Prometric does not accept any advance payments or applications that do not include the payment fees.
This is a town that is in Westchester County. The town is composed of two villages, namely the Village of Ossining and Briarcliff Manor. According to the latest census, their total population was around 37,674 people. It has a total area of about 15.6 square miles and has a population density of 3,123.0/sq mile. This town is bordered by The Hudson River and the Croton River.
Health care centers and providers that you can find within the area include Bolden DR Michael, Phelps Addiction Treatment Services , Bethel Adult Day Services, Open Door Family Medical Center Ossining, Beigin Health Center, Granite Medical Services, and North Star Medical Group. photo attribution: create-learning