The CNA Classes in Moreno Valley, CA are provided for you in detail on this page. The listings include information about the schools address, and contact details, call them to find out about class enrollment, tuition fees, and course schedules.
Moreno Valley College
16130 Laselle St.
Moreno Valley, CA 92551
(909) 485-6135
National Legal Studies Institute
13800 Heacock Street_D-111
Moreno Valley, CA 92553
(951) 653-4240
Nursing Assistants are a rising demand in the state of California. Because of the demand, there are many different institutions that are now offering their training. Such institutions include colleges, high schools, as well as healthcare centers.
A person cannot work in California as a CNA without a CNA certification. Although each state might have slightly different processes in getting a nurse aide certification, it generally involves two things: (1) Completing a state approved training program; and (2) Passing the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program examination or NNAAP exam.
CNA training programs are there to teach aspiring nurse aides how to meet the individual needs of the patients and handle different situations that they might encounter once they are in the clinical area. Nursing Aide training in California consists of a minimum of 50 hours of lectures and 100 hours of practical training, which is twice than most states.
You can find these training programs offered by different institutions and schools. When selecting a program to enroll in, make sure to choose one that is approved by the state’s Department of Public Health. This will ensure that your training will meet state standards and you will be allowed to apply for the NNAAP exam afterwards. There are also some websites that you can enroll in to complete some of your training. In such classes, the lectures will be conducted online. You will only meet when it is time for skills training. Your skills training will be done in a simulated environment that resembles actual healthcare clinics.
As a CNA student, your time will be divided in to lectures and hands-on training. You will learn different subjects like mental health, infection control, patient’s rights, therapeutic communications, and other related topics. You will also be trained in the basic nursing care skills like taking the vital signs, do proper documentation and referrals, clean and maintain the patient’s catheter, feed them through special means like NGTs, as well as what procedures to do in cases of emergencies.
The NNAAP exam is conducted by Pearson VUE at approved testing centers throughout the state. The exam was designed to test the competency of every aspiring nurse aide. It is a two part exam that comprises of a 70-item multiple-choice written/oral test and a clinical skills evaluation. You must pass both parts to get certified by the Aide and Technician Certification Section.
Because of the shortage of nurse aides in the state, California is now offering reciprocity to nurse aides from other states. This process lets them transfer their certification and work in the state without any need for further testing. It is important that the applicants have a current certification and a clean record. Those with accounts of abuse, negligence, or misappropriation of a patient’s property will have trouble getting approved.
CNA certifications are only valid for 24 months. The ATCS sends out notices at least 4 months before a certification’s expiration. To avoid any problem when renewing your certification, please inform the ATCS if you change your name or address. You can either send them a Request for Name/Address Change form ( or call them at (916) 327-2445.
To be eligible for renewal, you must work for at least 8 hours as a paid nurse aide and complete 48 hours of in-service training or continuing education. If you fail to meet those requirements and your license expires, you can reactivate it by immediately taking a competency evaluation exam. To find out more about receiving your license for the registry you can call the California Department of Public Health (916) 327-2445 or by emailing them If you have questions about whether a course is certified in the state you can contact the (TPRU) Training Program Review Unit at 916) 552-8873.
As of the latest census, the population of Moreno Valley is now 193,365. It is situated just along Riverside, CA and is also part of Riverside County. You can also find Lake Perris south of here. The total land area of the city is 51.275 sq miles and has a population density of 3,620.5/sq miles.
Major hospitals in the city include Kaiser Permanente Community Hospital which was formerly known as Moreno Valley Community Hospital, and the Riverside County Regional Medical Center which is a Level II Trauma Center. Other health care centers in the city include Lnh Health Center (951) 242-9889, Sy Joan Y DO (951) 242-1196, and many more. photo attribution: ufv