Those in the area of Monrovia, California can find the nursing assistant programs that are open here, listed on this page. For more information on how to become certified to work as a nurse aide, enrollment info, or tuition cost, just call the number provided.
[There are no CNA Classes in Monrovia, CA that are currently being offered.]
Training is always a necessary part when starting any career. If you are looking for a way to start a career in health care that won’t leave you in debt for years because of the training costs, then you should start to think about becoming a nursing aide.
Nursing aides work hand-in-hand with licensed nurses in providing nursing and nursing related care to patients in different health care settings, including their own homes. Nursing aides in California have some of the highest salaries in the state. Depending on where you work, you can make an annual salary of $20,000 to $37,000.
If you wish to work as a nursing aide you must get certified by the Aide and Technician Section of the L&C Program and gain entry into the NAR. Employers will only hire those whose names are found in the NAR. They check the certification of each applicant by going online at or by calling the ATCS at (916) 327-2445.
To get certified in this state you must pass both the knowledge exam and the clinical skills test in the NNAAP exams. Both of the exams are offered on the same day by Pearson VUE at Regional Testing Centers. Before you can apply, you must first establish eligibility by completing a CDPH-certified 150-hour training course. Depending on what program you choose, it can take you a few weeks to complete your training.
If you wish to take advantage of the numerous opportunities awaiting this field, you can attend a 40-hour home health aide training course. The 40-hour courses are only offered to those who are simultaneously enrolled in a NATP. The 40 hours are divided equally into lectures and clinical training.
Becoming a certified nursing aide or an HHA means that you are allowed to work in an approved nursing facility for two years. If you wish to continue your eligibility to work, you must renew your certification every 24 months. The state will require you to find employment for at least 8 hours and complete a number of hours of continuing education or in-service training. If you are certified as a nurse aide and a home health aide, your CE/in-service hours can be considered for both certifications.
This is a city that is situated in the foothills of San Gabriel Mountains in the San Gabriel Valley. This city is a part of Los Angeles County. According to the census of 2010, they have a total population of 36,590 people. The city’s total area is approximately 13.714 sq miles, and has a population density of 2,668.1/sq miles. One major road that you may use to get to the city is the State Route 66.
Examples of health care centers that you can find in the city include HealthCare Partners Medical Group, Healthcare Systems, Patricia’s Massage @nd Energy Healing, Synergy Naturopathic Medical Clinic, Lindora Medical Clinic, Mountain View Dialysis Center Inc., Singing Oaks Retirement Community, Healthcare Partners., and Pacific Clinics East-Day Treatment. photo attribution: westconn