Those who want to locate nursing assistant classes in Minot, North Dakota can see the available registry approved courses listed here. Programs will teach the techniques and procedures used by health care providers in this occupation. To receive the latest enrollment info you can speak with a schools administrator using the contact details below.
Magic City Campus
1100 11th Avenue SW,
Minot, ND 58701
(701) 857-4500
Burdick Job Corps Center
1500 University Ave. West,
Minot, ND 58703
(701) 857-9600
Trinity Health One Burdick Expressway West
P.O. Box 5010,
Minot, ND 58702
(701) 857-5000
Trinity Homes
305 8th Avenue NE,
Minot, ND 58701
(701) 857-5800
NW ND Workforce Training Job Service
3416 North Broadway,
Minot, ND 58701
(701) 857-7500
Becoming a nursing assistant in the state of North Dakota is very easy but can sometimes be confusing. For example, many people find it difficult to find a suitable training program to enroll in. Although each training program has its own unique teaching method, the content for their training are almost the same. This is because during their certification, they will have to give a sample of their program course, which must include the contents that were deemed important by the DOH.
One of the first requirements is that you must complete a CNA training program. Another is that you must also pass the background check to see if you have any criminal records. Once you have met all the requirements, you can then try to take on the license exams.
Training programs must offer a minimum of 75 hours of training. Most of the training programs can be completed within 5-8 weeks. These training hours are divided into classroom lectures, laboratory work, and clinical training. Their program must also be taught by qualified instructors, which are registered nurses with a minimum of 2 years of experience. One of those years must be spent in a long-term care facility performing nursing tasks. To effectively teach, they must also possess background experiences in teaching and training adults.
After completing the necessary training, the next step is to challenge the NNAAP examination or the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program exam. This exam was designed to test your competency in both knowledge and skills to take care of the patients as a nursing assistant. If you pass both exams within 3 attempts, you will gain entry into the Nurse Aide Registry and you will receive you CNA license.
The exam consists of a written and a clinical skills exam, which are both taken on the same day at approved testing sites. If you have any problems with reading English, you may request to have an oral exam instead. This request must be submitted along with you completed application form and the money order for the exam fee. For first time takers, the exam will cost a total of $120.
Another way of getting into the Registry is to apply for reciprocity. This process though is only for certified nursing assistants that are registered in a different NAR and wish to transfer. To be accepted into the Registry, you must have an active status or license and have a good record with your state.
This city is the county seat of Ward County. You can find this city located in the north central portion of the state. The city was given the nickname “The Magic City” because of it remarkable growth in size over a few years. As of the last census, their total population was around 40,888 people. It has a population density of 2,346.1/sq mile. The total area of the city is estimated to be around 17.45 sq miles, all of it is land. The major highways that are accessible from the city are U.S. Highways 2, 52, and 83.
The Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens, Protection & Advocacy Project, Trinity Health Center-East – Patient Services Nurse, Body Dimensions Massage Therapy, City & Country Health Clinic, Dakota Dental Health Center, Psychological Services PC, Chiropractic Arts Clinic – DR Brenden Howe, and Trinity Hospital-St Joseph’s are some of the many health care centers that are located in the area. photo attribution: ufv