The certified nurse aides schools that are currently enrolling applicants for classes in Magee, Mississippi are all listed below. Finishing a state recognized training course is necessary to be able to take the competency examination for your license. Call to learn more from a facility representative.
Hillcrest Nursing Center, LLC
1401 1st Avenue NE,
Magee, MS 39111
(601) 849-0384
In order to be allowed to work in Mississippi as a nursing aide, you must have a CNA license. The only way to get one is to take and pass all the tests in the NNAAP examinations. These exams are composed of a written and skills evaluation of the basic nursing skills that were taught during training school. There is also an oral exam instead of a written one for those who have difficulty in reading English.
The exams are given through Pearson Vue. Both the exams are given on the same day. You can check out their website to find more information about the exams at Their website also shows a list of the registered nursing aides in the state, if you ever what to check out an individual’s credentials. To learn more about the testing or set up a date for the exam you can call to speak with a support representative of Pearson Vue by calling 1-888-204-6213.
When applying for the license exams, you are required to send a money order that should be cashed to the NACES. The total cost for both the written/oral exam and the skills evaluation is $101. For those who already took the exams and only failed one part, they are required to only pay for the part that they are going to retake. The written/oral exam will cost $32 while the skills evaluation exam will cost $69.
All who become certified to work will need to renew their licenses or become inactive an unable to continue working. Every two year period you should receive a renewal notice as long as you address is up to date with the state registry. If you do not receive your notification or would like further details about the renewal process you can call the Mississippi State Department of Health at 601-364-1100.
Magee is a city that is situated in Simpson County. Founded around 1820, the city was named after one of the first white settlers in the area, Phil Magee. This city has a total area of 4.9 square miles (12.6 square kilometers), which all of it is land. As of the 2007 census, the total population of the city grew to 5,019 from 4,200 back in 2000. Major Highways that you can use to get to the city include U.S. Highway 49, and State Highways 28, 545, and 541.
The healthcare centers and providers that you can find serving this city and are located within its vicinity include Performance Chiropractic, Family Dental Care, Central Dialysis Center, Stuard Dental Clinic, Boswell Regional Center, and Magee After Hours Clinic. photo attribution: collegedegrees360