The latest nursing assistant programs potential students can find in Los Altos, California are provided for you on this directory page. Included are all the recent classes that meet state standards and are being offered as of this moment. If you know of any nurses aide training programs that are not included here, please contact us so we can include them below.
Presto Vocational Institute
4898 El Camino Real, Ste-208
Los Altos, CA 94022
(650) 961-9988
[Morning, Afternoon, And Evening Classes Are Available]
One of the best ways to enter the field of healthcare is to become a nursing aide. CNA is an entry-level profession which means that compared to other careers, it is much quicker and affordable. All you need to start working as a nursing aide in California are the following:
• Successful completion of a state-approved nurse aide Program
• Passing the federal and state criminal background checks
• Passing the NNAAP exam
Nursing Assistant Training Programs
Approved programs are offered by numerous institutions and schools because of the number people who want to become CNAs. CNA training generally consists of 50 hours of lectures and 100 hours of supervised clinical practice. Students are placed under the care of a CNA instructor and are not allowed to perform any procedure that has not yet be taught in the classroom. Most of the programs in CA take 8 to 24 weeks to complete depending on the program you choose. When selecting a program, just make sure that it is approved by the CDPH before enrolling.
Criminal Background Checks
All student nursing aides are required to get fingerprinted through Live Scan before the start of the clinical training. Fees for the background checks are paid by the training institution or school. The school will also be responsible for sending a copy of each student’s completed Request for Live Scan Services prior to the start of the clinical practice.
National Nurse Aide Assessment Program Examination
Completing an approved CNA program will make you qualified to apply for the NNAAP exam. This exam is conducted with the help of Pearson VUE. It consists of a written/oral test and a skills evaluation. Candidates must pass both tests to get a nurse aide certificate issued by the ATCS.
If a candidate fails in a test he is allowed to reapply and retake the test he or she failed. Each candidate is allowed to retake the exam twice. Since their training is only valid for 2 years, the attempts will also be valid within that time. If a candidate fails for the 3rd time he will be required to undergo retraining.
You can find this city in the southern end of the San Francisco Peninsula. It is part of Santa Clara County. As of the latest census, their total population has now reached up to 28,976. Their total area is 6.487 sq miles and a population density of 4,466.8/sq miles. The neighboring cities include Cupertine, Sunnyvale, Palo Alto, and Mountain View.
Health centers in the city include Mei Clinic (650) 917-9699, Los Altos Surgery Center (650) 209-5894, Surgery Center Partners (650) 331-4600, Palo Alto Medical Foundation (650) 254-5200, Bayarea Hyperbarics (650) 567-9110, and Altos Pediatric Associates (650) 941-0550. photo attribution: murraystateuniversity