To become a certified nursing assistant in Loris, South Carolina one must enroll in training that is accepted by the state registry. Below are all the available school classes that are being offered as of the moment. Students should speak with an adviser from the facility listed to learn more.
Horry-Georgetown Technical College
3410 Church Street
Loris, SC 29569
843-477-2010 or 843-477-0775
The demand for certified nursing aides is continuously on the rise in South Carolina. To work as one, you must be listed on the state’s Nurse Aide Registry. The state is very welcoming to CNAs. Nursing aides who come from other states and wish to transfer can gain entry into the NAR by applying for reciprocity.
When they apply, their certification must still be valid. They must not have any records of abuse, neglect, or be on the CNA Abuse Registry. In addition to completing the application forms, applicants must also show proof of their training and experience by providing a copy of their diploma, transcript of records, or certification of completion of training. Keep note that if an applicant gets approved for reciprocity, his record on the previous NAR will still remain.
For those who are not a nursing aide and want to become one, their only way to get into the South Carolina NAR is by passing the competency evaluation exam. This exam consists of a written/oral test and a skills evaluation exam. Candidates must pass all the tests to be accepted into the Registry.
Before applying for the exams, candidates must complete a South Carolina nursing aide program that is approved by the state’s Department of Health and Human Services. Military-trained medics may also apply provided that the right conditions are met. If you are a military medic, you can determine your eligibility by calling (803) 315-1366. You can also fax a copy of your training and experience to (803) 364-0462.
Names on the Registry only remain for 24 months. To keep your name on the Registry, you will need to work for at least 8 hours every 24 months. By doing so you will become eligible for renewal. When you renew, you will need to pay a fee of $28. If you are working for a Medicaid nursing facility, your renewal fees will be paid by them. It is important that you renew your certification before it expires. Expired certifications can no longer be renewed.
For more information, you can follow this link:
The city of Loris is situated in Horny County. It has a total area of approximately 3.1 square miles, where almost all of it is land. According to the latest census done there, their total population was around 2,079 residents. It has a population density of 668.5/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers that you can find in the area include G & G Treatment Center, DDC- DNA Diagnostics Center, Carolina Dental Care, Palmetto Personal Care Services Inc., North Strand OB/GYN PC, McCutchen Gwyn G DDS, Loris Extended Care Center, Southern Surgical PA, Mills Michael L DR Optometrist, The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy, Loris Community Hospital, and many more. photo attribution: create-learning