The schools enrolling for certified nursing assistant classes in Lilburn, Georgia that are shown on this page offer the most recent instruction opportunities in the city. For more information about the steps to join, please call the number provided below. Call the program director to receive further information.
Education and Career Resources of Georgia
4055 Lawrenceville Hwy, Lilburn, GA 30047
(770) 717-0310 –
Heritage Healthcare of Lilburn
788 Indian Trail Rd.,
Lilburn, GA 30047
(770) 923-2020
In becoming a nursing assistant in the state of Georgia, you must be able to complete your training in a state-approved Nurse Aide Training Program. The Georgia Medical Care Foundation is in-charge of certifying CNA classes as well as handling the competency exams for this state. For a program to be certified, it must offer its students 85 hours of training which must include 24 hours of clinical duties. All students who enroll in the program must complete classroom, laboratory, and clinical rotations. According to the state rules, the student must get a 100% rating in the lab before proceeding to the clinical area.
After finishing the training program, you can then move on to apply for the license exams. When applying, you are required to send in the completed application form and the necessary documents. These documents include proof of training, high school diploma, fingerprint cards for the background checks, passport size pictures, and the payment for the exam fees. You will also be subjected for TB testing and immunizations to make sure that you are not carrying any communicable disease.
to receive more information about becoming certified you can visit or call locally at (678) 527-3010 to speak with a representative. Those out of the local area can call (800) 414-4358.
This city can be found within Gwinnett County. The city was founded back in 1890 and was originally known as McDaniel. It is included in the Atlanta metropolitan area. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 11,596 people. It has a total area of approximately 6.2 sq miles and has a total area of about 1,823.7/sq mile.
Health care providers that you can find serving the city include Keller Scott T DO, Pediatrix Medical Group of Georgia Inc., Stonewall Psychological Associates, Nature Healthcare, Gwinnett Clinic, Heritage Healthcare of Lilburn, Lilburn General Medical Clinic, and many more. photo attribution: komunews