Schools that offer training courses to prepare you for nursing assistant certification in Lake Forest, Illinois and are currently being offered as of the making of this post are listed here. If you have any inquiries about program curriculum, enrolling in instruction, class schedules, or certification requirements, please call the number provided for you below.
Presbyterian Homes
1100 Pembridge Drive,
Lake Forest, IL 60045
(847) 604-8800
If you want to become a nursing assistant, you have to meet the different requirements of the state first. The first thing that you should do is to choose a training program to enroll in. You will need to learn the different concepts and skills that you will use in taking care of a patient. You can find these programs all across the state of Illinois being offered by different educational facilities. When selecting one, you should only choose a program that is certified by the state.
It is very crucial that you meet the hiring requirements of the healthcare facilities when you become a CNA. Classes will provide the state required forty hours of instruction that includes hands-on skills practice. Once enrolled you will learn the basic nursing skills that you will use in dealing with patients under the general supervision of an RN.
Once you complete your training, your next step is to apply for the state’s nurse aide exams. These exams will test both your knowledge and skills. IF you pass all the exams, your name will be entered in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry. Every applicant is given three attempts to pass the exams. If you fail for the third time, you will be required to undergo retraining if you want to retake the exams. Only those shoes names are in the registry are allowed to work in the state as a nursing assistant. Those with certifications from other states may also work here if they apply for reciprocity. When they apply they should have a good relationship with their state and have a valid license status. If the state they come from do not offer licenses, their name should at least have an active status in their state’s registry.
This city can be found in Lake County. It is located just south of Waukegan and is just along the shores of Lake Michigan. This city is a part of the Chicago metropolitan area. This city was founded in 1857 and was built centered around Lake Forest College. According to the census of 2008, their total population had reached up to a total of 21,300 people and had a population density of 1,189 / sq mile. The total area of the city is approximately 16.9 sq mile.
Examples of health care centers that are available in the city include Westmoreland Obstetric & Gynecologic Associates SC, Medical Central Online LLC, Medical Diagnostic Services, Mabis Healthcare Inc., Healthcare Insights LLC, Roundtable Health Care Partners, Pharmedium Health Care, American Health Service, Right at Home, Biosafe Medical Technology, Fishman E Psyd Clinical Psychologis, and Grant Healthcare Foundation. photo attribution: murraystateuniversity