The school programs found in La Verne, California to teach one how to become certified as a nurse aide are listed on this page. For more information on how to become certified, requirements of the exams, class schedules, or tuition costs, please call the number provided.
[There are no CNA Classes in La Verde, CA that are being offered as of the moment.]
There are state approved schools located in the nearby city of Pomona.
If you are planning on entering the health care field, then you should consider becoming a CNA. One of the advantages of becoming a nursing aide is the growing demand. With the different programs that are being offered, it will only take you a matter of weeks to become certified to work. Aside from that, unlike other courses, it does not take a lot of money to enroll in a program. For the latest registration information contact the California Department of Public Health Licensing & Certification program at (916) 552-8700 or Toll Free (800) 236-9747.
To become a CNA in California you must successfully complete a state-approved training program and pass the NNAAP exam. CNA training programs are found offered by different training institutions such as hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living centers, community colleges, and private training institutions.
Training program curriculum is divided into 150 hours of lectures and practical training. While in the clinical area, the students are not allowed to perform any nursing or nursing-related procedures that have not been covered or taught in the classroom.
Those who were able to complete other health related training such as a registered nurse, medics, and licensed practical nurses can also become a nursing aide by sending proof of their education and training to the ATCS. If they are found eligible, they will have to challenge and pass the NNAAP exams to get certified.
The NNAAP exam consists of a knowledge exam and a random skills evaluation. Those who pass both parts will have their names entered in the Registry. The Registry is a master list of all the persons who have met the federal and state’s requirements to become a nursing aide.
Another way of getting certified in California is by applying for reciprocity. This process allows a nursing aide from another state to transfer and qualify for certification CA. A nursing aide can qualify for reciprocity is his certification is current and in good standing with this State. Reciprocity applicants are still required to pass the background checks for criminal records. These checks will be done in federal and state levels. Those who are approved for reciprocity will immediately get certified without the need for further testing.
Employers will only hire those who have been certified by the ATCS and those who are able to keep their certification current. They will verify each applicant’s certification before hiring them by going to or by calling the ATCS. If you wish to check your own record, you can also use the link provided by simply entering your name or certification number.
Your certification will only remain active for 2 years. Within that time you must complete 48 hours of in-service training or continuing education, and work as a paid nursing aide for at least 8 hours. Failure to renew your certification will cause it to lapse and expire. No CNA is allowed to continue working with an expired certification.
The city of La Verne is another city that is found in Los Angeles County, CA. According to the census of 2010, they now have a total population of approximately 31,063. Their population went down about 600 people from the 2000 census. Their total area is about 8.562 sq miles. The population density of the city is 3,628/sq miles. This city is also a suburb of L.A. itself which is also located just a few miles east from La Verne.
Health care centers and facilities that you can avail in the city include Woods Health Services (909) 593-4917, Hillcrest (909) 593-4917, Magan Medical Clinic Inc. (909) 593-4531, and many more. photo attribution: westconn