Aspiring students can find the nurse aide schools in Kirksville that are approved by the state of Missouri on this page. For detailed information about the certification classes that are being offered in the city, class schedules, or program requirements, call the phone number in this list below.
Kirksville Area Tech Center
1103 South Cottage Grove
Kirksville, MO 63501
It is the work of the state’s Department of Health and Senior Services to maintain the CNA Registry. All those who want to work as a nursing aide are required by law to be registered. The same also goes for certified medication technicians, Level I medication aides, and those who are certified as insulin administration.
In order to be registered, you must be able to complete a state-approved training program. The state requires that these programs offer no less than 75 hours of training of classroom instructions and another 100 hours of clinical practice. The clinical practice is also referred to as on the job training. Depending on which program you enrolled in, it may take you a few weeks to complete your training.
After you complete your training, you will then be able to challenge the license exams. When applying, all you have to do is to show proof of your training, provide your social security number, and pass the federal and state background checks. Once you are able to pass the written exam and the skills demonstration, your name will then be automatically entered on the Registry. If you are unable to pass one of the parts of the test you may retake the failed part a max of 2 times within a 90 day period or face retaking your training. If you have passed and still fail to receive notification of your certification you should contact the registry examiner and request additional details.
The state allows those who feel qualified to apply to challenge the examination. You only receive one opportunity to pass the exam and if you fail you must attend a recognized course to continue pursuing a certification. You can contact the MO Department of Health by calling 573-526-5686 to get additional help regarding any inquires you have.
This is the county seat of Adair County. You can find it situated in Benton Township. As of the latest census, their total population has now reached up to 17,505. This city is the anchor to a micropolitan area that includes Adair and Schuyler Counties. It has a total area of 10.5 sq miles and a population density of approximately 1,624/sq mile.
Health care centers and providers that you can find in the area include Complete Family Medicine (660) 665-7575, Lee Clinic (660) 665-5607, Valtos Joshua MD (660) 626-2525, Northeast Missouri Surgical Specialties (660) 627-5000, Ob Gyn Specialty Group (660) 626-2264, Gutensohn Clinic Associates (660) 626-2222, Advanced Surgical Arts (660) 665-3599, and many more. photo attribution: kendrickmeekdotcom