The certified nursing assistant schools that are providing instruction in Kent, Connecticut are listed here. These classes have all been approved by the state and meet registry requirements. For any questions about their programs, please call the number provided.
Kent Health Care Center
46 Maple Street,
Kent, CT 06757
(860) 927-5368
For you to become a certified nursing assistant in the state of Connecticut, you must first complete one of the training programs that are listed below. Along with taking an instruction course, passing the license exams is a very important step in becoming certified. The state of Connecticut does not allow any of its nurse aides to work without a valid license. There are several different requirements that must be complied with before you can take the exams. To become eligible to take the license exams, you have the option of enrolling and completing either a CNA training course or a nursing course. LPNs, psychologist, gerontologist, and RNs may apply for the nurse aide license exams by providing proof of their training.
An important requirement for all applicants, including those who wish to apply for reciprocity, is passing the federal and state background checks. Having records of abuse or offenses involving drugs and other similar acts can greatly affect your application. During your class training you will need at least 100 hours’ worth of classroom training and 16 hours of clinical practice. Most programs will last from two months up to six. You can then take the examination to become a certified nursing assistant.
The first part of the license exams is the written examination. In this part, you will be given 90 minutes to answer all 60 questions. These questions will all be multiple-choice. Out of all the items, there will be 10 questions which will not be scored since they are pretest questions and were added for statistical purposes. The questions will focus on the three domains, which are about the different roles of a nursing assistant, the promotion of functioning and health of the resident, and the promotion of safety. As for the second exam, out of the 25 basic nursing competency skills that were taught to you during your training, only 5 of them will be tested. The skills to be performed will be randomly selected by a computer. You will be given a simple scenario where you will perform all the procedures while being observed by a nurse aide evaluator. There are some scenarios where the evaluator will also play a particular role, either as a patient/resident or a healthcare team member. To pass this exam, you must perform all skills satisfactorily.
This is a town that is a part of Litchfield County. You can find this town near the border of New York. Major roads that you can take to get to this town are Route 7 and Route 341. According to the census of 2005, their total population was around 2,962 people. It has a total area of approximately 49.6 sq miles, where almost all of it is land. Its population density is estimated to be 61/sq mile.
Examples of health care providers that you can find serving this town include DNA Paternity Testing Centers, Aspen Dental: It’s Time to Smile, South Kent School – Health Center, Kent School, The Marvelwood School – Health Services, Kent Med/Peds – Dr. Christie Garb, Kent Med-Peds LLC, and many more. photo attribution: departmentofed