Students who desire to enroll in a nurse aide programs can find the available schools located in in Kenansville, North Carolina listed here. Faculties offering training shown here are approved by the state to meet the exam requirements and currently available. For more information about their certified nursing assistant classes, tuition fees, or certification requirements, please call the number provided below.
James Sprunt Community College
133 James Sprunt Cir
Kenansville, NC 28349
(910) 296-1341
If you are contemplating on what is the best way to start a career in the healthcare industry, you should consider becoming a nursing assistant. The process of becoming a nursing assistant for different states varies slightly. For North Carolina, it mainly consists of taking the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program exam since the state does not offer reciprocity, endorsement, and transfer of nursing assistants from other states.
All nursing assistants who work in a nursing home must be registered on the Nurse Aide I Registry. The only ones who are allowed to entered or apply for the Registry directly without undertaking the competency exams are registered nurses and license practical nurses, since they are also required to be on the Registry if they wish to work in a nursing home. When they apply, they will have to use this form:
Although normally, the completion of a state-approved training program is a requirement to take the NNAAP exams, there are also some who may directly take the exams. These individuals include N.C. nursing graduates and students, as well as nursing assistants from a different state and other professionals who receive similar training. For those who wish to refresh their knowledge and skills before taking the exams, they can take a refresher course from a local community college. If your area’s college does not offer such courses, you can try to contact the N.C. Community College System Office to check available colleges.
Every applicant is given 3 attempts to pass all the portion of the exams. They must also do so within 2 years after completing their training or applying for the exams. One benefit of completing a state-approved training program is that you can work for up to 4 months as a nursing assistant in a nursing home while waiting to take the exams. If the nursing assistant candidate fails for the 3rd time, he will be required to undergo retraining before he is allowed to reapply.
For all concerns pertaining on how to become a nursing assistant in North Carolina, you are refer to the N.C. Nurse Aide Candidate Handbook, which can be downloaded from this link:
This town is the county seat of Duplin County. According to the census of 2000, their total population at that time was at 1,149. This town has a total area of approximately 1.9 sq miles, where all of it is land. Its population density was 609.5 people per square mile.
Examples of health care centers and providers that you can find within the city area include Kenansville Medical Center, Interim Health Care, Ralm Inc., East Cove Psychiatric Services, Duplin County – Health Services, Chemical Dependency Training Evaluation & Guidance, Eastpointe, Duplin Surgical PA, Cooper Joseph L MD, Carolina Coast Primary Medicine, and Goshen Medical Center-Women’s Health. photo attribution: create-learning