The certified nursing assistant schools in Indio, California listed below are all the CDPH approved programs available at this time. For more information, just contact the number provided.
Riverside County Office of Education ROP Center
47336 Oasis Street
Indio, CA 92201
(760) 863-3050
Becoming a certified nurse aide in California can be one of the best career choices you can make. People in this line of work always have job security as well as constant opportunities to further their career. Since nurse aide is an entry-level profession, it can be a very practical means of entering the field of health. To work as a nurse aide all you have to do is to get certified by the state’s Aide and Technician Certification Section.
Nurse aides can be found working in different healthcare settings. They help nurses take care of patients in nursing homes, hospitals, long-term care centers, rehabilitation clinics, assisted living centers, and even at the patient’s own home. They perform basic nursing procedures such as vital signs taking and help the patients with their daily activities like bathing, dressing, toileting, eating, exercising, ambulating, and many more.
Since nurse aides constantly work closely with patients, it is important that they learn how to handle different situations as well as know how to properly meet the patient’s individual needs. That is why attending a CNA program is an essential step in becoming a CNA. These programs offer 150 hours of training, which consists of clinical practice and classroom instructions. Most training programs take 2 to 6 months to complete.
Classes must meet the standards of the state and provide an adequate amount of instruction. School programs must offer clinical and theoretical coursework that includes skills practice in a health care setting. Some online programs are accepted, however only 24 hours of the required amount can be completed online. The remainder of your instruction must be finished at a physical location to provide you with hands-on skills practice.
After training, applicants have up to 24 months to to challenge the certification exam. The certification consists of a written/oral knowledge test and a clinical skills evaluation. Both parts must be passed in order to get certified. Because of the number of people aiming to become CNAs, the state asked the help of Pearson VUE in conducting the exam.
Once you get a CNA certification you will be allowed to work as a nurse aide in a state-certified healthcare setting. Each applicant can try to pass each part up to three times. Those who are able to pass both parts become certified and listed on the registry. This certification is only valid for 2 years. To keep your eligibility to work, you must renew your certification before it expires. This is needed every 24 months and is accomplished by submitting verification of time spent on the job to remain in active status. You can call the CA Department of Public Health for more information or if you have questions by calling (916) 327-2445.
One of the advantages of being a certified nurse aide is that the experience you get on the job will help you if ever you aim for a higher degree such as nursing. There are also other certifications that can be added on top of your CNA certification. Not only will adding an advanced certification further your knowledge and skills, it will also add to the chance of you getting a raise in your salary. For more information about this, please visit
Indio is a city that is part of the Riverside County. As of the latest census, they already have a population of 76,036. You can find this city just 26 miles east of Palm Springs and Riverside. It is also north of Maxicali. The city has a total are of 29.189 sq miles.
The John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital is the 3rd largest employer in the city. Other health centers located within the city boundaries include Indio Family Care Center, Riverside County Mental Health Program, Mea Health Care, STD Test Express, Ears Hearing Health Care, and G E Healthcare Inc. photo attribution: ufv