The training facilities that are offering nurse aide classes for enrollment in Imperial Beach, California are displayed here. Call the school to speak with a program director to determine how you can start your course and receive your certification.
San Diego Job Corps Center
1325 Iris Ave. BLDG. 60
Imperial Beach, CA 91932
(619) 429-8500
The process of becoming a certified nurse aide in California begins by searching for a suitable training program to enroll in. It is important that before you handle any patient, you must first learn how to properly take care of them.
CNA training programs are offered through numerous institutions and schools such as nursing homes, assisted living centers, hospitals, community colleges, rehabilitation clinics, long-term care centers, and many more. When searching for a program to enroll in, please make sure to only choose a program that is approved by the state’s Department of Public Health. You can call the TPRU, which is the Training Program Review Unit to help you find out if a nursing assistant program is currently accepted by the state at (916) 552-8873.
To be accepted into a program, you must be at least 18 years old, have a high school diploma or a GED certificate, be free of any communicable diseases, understand and speak Basic English, and be physically healthy to take care of the patients.
Training programs in the state mostly take 2-6 months to complete. As soon as you are through with your training, you can immediately apply for the certification exam. Challenging the certification exam is the final step in becoming a certified nurse aide. According to the OBRA of ’87, only certified nursing aides are allowed to work in a state-approved healthcare facility.
When you are ready to try and pass the certification exams your training facility can help you schedule a date. You can also call the California Department of Public Health at (916) 327-2445 to help you find a testing location.
The certification exam consists of a written knowledge test and a clinical skills test. Those who have trouble reading English can request to have an oral exam instead of the written test. In order to get certified, applicants must be able to pass all the tests within 2 years of completing their training.
In case you fail in one part, you are allowed to reapply and retake the exam you failed. You are only allowed to do this up to two times. If you still fail after your 3rd attempt, you will be required to complete another training program before you can reapply once more. Once certified you are listed in the registry database and eligible to be hired to work by long term care facilities, and health care centers.
Certified nurse aides from other states are welcome to transfer and work in California. These individuals must first apply for reciprocity before they can start working. If they get approval from the ATCS, applicants will be allowed to transfer their certification without any need for further testing. It is important that applicants have an active certification and a clean record.
Imperial Beach is a residential city that is part of San Diego County. It has about 26,324 and is the most southern beach city in Southern California. You can find this city in the South Bay area of the county. It is just a few miles south of downtown San Diego.
There are many health care clinics that you can find in the city. Examples of these clinics include Coronado Bay Urgent Care (619) 423-0100, Elm Adult Day Health Center (619) 827-0573, Imperial Beach Community Clinic (619) 429-3733, and Epsdt Clinical Services (619) 565-2650. photo attribution: ufv