Enrolling in a nursing assistant school in Hurley, Wisconsin can help you learn the necessary skills required to pass the license exams. Classes that are being offered as of this moment are shown on this page. Programs found below are all approved by the registry for the state of Wisconsin.
HURLEY, WI 54534-
(715) 561-3200
Enrolling in an approved Nurse Aide Training Program is the first step in becoming a nursing aide. You must learn how to properly take care of the patients before you handle them. You can find NATPs offered by hospitals, nursing homes, long-term care facilities, community colleges, and many more. Some training facilities require their potential students to undergo and pass the national background check prior to enrollment.
The state requires programs to offer at least 120 hours of training which shall contain a minimum of 32 hours of supervised practical training in a licensed nursing facility. The training curriculum must have both classroom and practical portions to ensure that their students will be competent in both knowledge and skills. Subjects taught in a clinical program should include the following topics: resident rights and independence, infection control, basic nursing skills, communication and interpersonal skills, medical terms, emergency care, and personal care.
Upon completing the training program, your instructor will give you the application forms for the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program Exam (NNAAP Exam). You can also get the application forms by downloading it from Person VUE’s official website at www.pearsonvue.com; by calling the American Red Cross (ARC) at (866) 257-5424; or by sending a self-addressed envelope to the ARC. Make sure that you completed all requirements before you send them to:
American Red Cross
1806 N. 6h St.
Harrisburg, PA 17120
If you plan to take the exam at a Regional Testing Center, you’ll need to submit your application form at least 5 business days before the scheduled exam date. If you suddenly become unavailable on your testing date, you can transfer to a new testing date for free; provided that you inform the ARC at least 4 days before the exam date. Please be reminded that all payments are permanent and non-refundable.
The NNAAP exam is divided into two parts – a multiple-choice knowledge choice and a skills evaluation exam. The knowledge test is initially given as a written test, but candidates who have trouble reading can request to take the oral version of the oral exam for no extra cost. Candidates who pass both tests are allowed entry into the Nurse Aide Registry and are given a CNA card. The card can be used to show potential employers that you have met the federal and state training and testing requirements.
Names on the Registry, as well as CNA certifications, are only valid for 2 years. To keep your eligibility to work you’ll need to renew your certification before it expires. The state requires CNA card holders to provide proof of employment as a paid nursing aide for at least 8 hours, while under the supervision of a registered nurse to qualify for renewal. No employee is allowed to continue working with a lapsed/expired CNA card/certification.
This city is the county seat of Iron County. You can find it just across the Montreal River. According to the latest census, their total population was around 1,818 people. It has a total area of approximately 3.3 sq miles and has a population density of 577.3/sq mile. Major roads that are serving the city include U.S. 2, U.S. 51, and WIS 77.
Health care centers that you can find in the area include Villa Maria Therapy Department, Best Memorials, Harma Michele Fnp, Highline Corp, Villa Maria Health and Rehabilitation Center, Home Medical Products & Services, Sky View Nursing Center, Grand View Clinics, and many more. photo attribution: ufv