If you want to become a nursing assistant you will need to enroll in a state approved program. The available courses in Houston, Missouri that are shown to you on this pare are all the classes that are open for enrollment. Get the sign-up details by calling the school using the number below.
Texas County Technical Institute
6915 S Hwy 63 Po Box 314, Houston, MO 65483
417 967-5466
The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services handles the registry for nurse aides in the state. They maintain an online database and ensure that all school programs meet the curriculum and hourly requirements. To enroll in training typically you must be 18 years old. The exception to this is if you are enrolled in a high school occupational class. In addition those who enroll into a program must be free of certain convictions and not be listed on the (EDL) employee disqualification list. You can contact a state representative at 573-526-5686 or by email at: info@health.mo.gov with your questions about the latest requirements.
If you have an active status on the Missouri CNA Registry then that means that you had met the requirements for training and testing in the Federal and State regulations. Only those nursing aides that have active statuses are allowed to work in a long-term health care center.
To keep it active, you must work for at least a day for every two years as a paid nursing aide. Failing to do so will turn your CNA license into inactive. Once you have an inactive CNA license, advance certifications for CMT or IA will also become inactive. To reactive it, you will need to take and pass the evaluation exams.
A license will become expired if your break from employment reaches 5 years. An expired license may no longer be reactivated even if you take the evaluation exams. If you want to work again as a nursing aide, you will have to start all over by enrolling in a training course and challenge the license exams afterwards.
This city is a part of Texas County. It is also the county seat there. According to the 2000 census, their last estimated population was at 2,081 people. It has a total area of approximately 3.6 sq miles, where all of it is land.
Examples of health care centers that are available in the area include Hoerning Elton W MD, Hometown Healthcare & Wellness Center, St John’s Clinic, Albrecht Tammy MD, Hayes Nancy J MD, and many more like them. photo attribution: niels_olson