To become a nurse aide you can enroll in one of these schools located in Highland Park, Michigan. All of the available state approved training is shared below. Call the facility number to learn more about the basic requirements needed to join and how to get started.
CareerWorks, Inc.
1200 East McNichols,
Highland Park, MI 48203
(313) 883-6000
Becoming a nursing assistant in the state of Michigan is not so difficult. All you have to do is to finish a training program and take the state exams. The state of Michigan requires all those who want to become a nurse aide to undergo a state-certified program. The training programs are open to anyone who wish to have a career in the medical industry. They will have to undergo a small background check to see if they have any criminal offenses.
To complete the program, you must complete the 75 hour CNA classes, which will include a minimum of 16 hours of classroom lectures and another 16 hours of laboratory exercises. The rest of the hours may be delegated to clinical duties depending on the organizer’s preference.
After you complete the training program, you may then send in your application forms, along with the testing fees and the necessary documents to Prometric. Aside from the testing fees that you paid them, you will also need to bring the payment for the site fees on the day of your exam. If you are able to pass both the written tests and the practical exams, you will receive your license. for questions regarding testing and scheduling you can contact the Michigan Nurse Aide Customer Line at 1-800-752-4724.
Your license will expire every two years. You will need to renew it if you want to continue working. To be eligible for renewal, you must have worked for at least 8 hours with pay while under the supervision of a registered nurse during that span. To apply, you must provide a notarized letter from your employer or a paycheck stub. Your application will be considered invalid if you will not be able to produce the requirements.
If you have attained certification from another U.S state you may qualify to challenge the exam. To do so you must have an active license or one that expired less than one year ago. In addition you must be in good standing with the state you left and submit a Request for Exemption from Nurse Aide Training form. For further information about this process contact 517-241-0554.
This city is a part of Wayne County. You can find that this city is almost completely surrounded by Detroit. Only a small portion of it reaches Hamtramck. According to the last census taken there, their total population had reached up to a total of 11,776. It has a population density of 3,963.9/sq mile. Highland Park has a total area of approximately 2.97 sq miles, where all of it is land.
Examples of health care centers that are found in the area include New Center Community Mental Health Services, State Fair Dialysis, Nct/New Center Training Center, Six Family Health Center, State Fair Medical Center, Mitchell Health Care Assoc, Preferred Family Clinic, and many more. photo attribution: josh-walker