The schools in the town of Hayti, Missouri that are offering nursing assistant instruction are shared below. These programs can help you increase your knowledge of basic health care skills and prepare you for the state exams. Call the vocational facility to learn more about their program.
Pemiscot County Career & Tech Center
1317 West State Hwy 84, Hayti, MO 63851
If you want to work in Missouri as a nursing assistant then you must have a CNA certification and be registered on the state’s NAR. Certifications are only given to those who were able to comply with the Federal and State regulations in training and testing. Getting your name on the Missouri CNA Registry is by passing the license exams.
One way of being able to apply for the exams is by completing a state-certified training course. These courses take about 4-6 months to complete, depending on which course you enroll in. To be accepted you must be at least 18 years old (or enrolled in a high school vocational class), not have any disqualifying convictions, and not be on the state EDL or employee disqualification list. The course is made up of 75 hours of theory classes and another 100 hours of clinical exposure. When you are in the clinical area, you will be under the care of a certified NA clinical supervisor.
To graduate from a course, you will need to take the final exams, which is composed of a written and a skills demonstration. Even if you completed the required number of hours, if you were not able to take and pass the exams, your training will still be considered incomplete. The state will give you a maximum of 6 months to get back to the course. If you fail to do this, then you must retake a new course from the beginning.
To speak with an employee of the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services to help answer any questions you have you can dial 573-526-5686 or reach them via email at:
Hayti is a city that is in Pemiscot County. According to the latest census, their total population is now at 3,207. The city has a total area of approximately 2.2 square miles, where all of it is land. Its population density is 1,450.1/sq mile. Major roads that you may find near the city are Interstate 55 and U.S. Route 412.
Examples of health care centers that you may find in the area include Extended Health Services, (573) 359-2930, Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens (866) 825-3227, Health Center-Pemiscot-County (573) 359-1656, Hayti Medical Clinic (573) 359-2019, Caruthersville Hayti Clinic (573) 359-2517, and many more. photo attribution: niels_olson