The registry recognized CNA training classes in Haverhill, Massachusetts that are currently open are listed here. By joining this state approved program you will meet the requirement to become eligible for the license exams. Contact the school administrator to get the latest enrollment information.
Community Action Inc.
145 Essex Street, Haverhill, MA 01832
(978) 373-1971
Becoming a nurse aide is one of the best ways for you to enter the medical field. This career is one of the most sought out professions in the field. If you feel that you want to pursue a higher degree, you can advance to degrees such as CMA, GNA, or home health aide license. With its high demand, you will have no problems in finding work. It is also believed that the demand for nurse aides will continue to increase the following years.
In order to become a nurse aide, you will need to find yourself a CNA program to enroll in. Listed on this page are the available programs in the area as of the moment. If you have other concerns regarding programs in different cities, you can call Myrtho Vernet-McGuffie at (617) 753-8142. There are a few requirements that one must meet before being able to enroll. One is that you must not have a good record with the state and have not committed a felony. Another is that you will also have to documents that proving your education and identity. Have a recent (within 1 year) negative TB or chest x-ray exam. And additionally you will need to be at least 16 years old and have good reading ability and comprehension.
Once you are through with your training, you will then be required to take on the license exams. This is to ensure that you are well competent in both knowledge and skills in taking care of the patients. If you get the approval to take the exams, you will also receive from the Registry the date of your exams. If there are any problems with your schedule, you will need to contact the Nurse Aide Testing Office at (781) 979-4010. If you are currently outside Massachusetts, then call them at (800) 962-4337.
This city can be located in Essex County. It is situated near the Merrimack River. It originally started as a farming town during the late 18th century. Back when it was a town, Haverhill was also called as the “Queen Slipper City”. According to the last census, their total population had reached up to a total of 60,879 and a population density of 1,798.9/sq mile. The total area of this city is estimated to be around 35.6 sq miles, where 2.3 square miles of it is water.
Examples of health care facilities that can be found within the city area include Merrimack Valley Surgical Specialist, Whittier Home Health Care Agency, Essent Healthcare of MA Inc., STD Test Express, Northeast Rehabilitation Hospital, Universal Mobile Services, New England Healthcare Products Inc., Women’s Health Care At Anna Jaques Hospital, Parkland Medical Center Physician Referral, and Hannah Duston Healthcare Center.