The state licensed CNA classes in Hartford, Connecticut that are listed here are all the school programs that are currently available for enrollment. to get specific information about how you can enroll in certification training contact one of the facilities described below.
Capital Community Technical College
950 Main Street,
Hartford, CT 06103
(860) 906-5142
Prince, A.I. Vocational Technical School Adult Education
500 Brookfield Street,
Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 246-8594
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
290 Cornwall Street
and 860-688-7106
CACHAE Management Services
250 Blue Hills Ave
860-805-3532 / 860-655-4786
The Career Counseling Center
50 Elizabeth Street,
Hartford, CT 06105
(860) 768-5619
Weaver High School
415 Granby Street,
Hartford, CT 06112
(860) 243-9761
One of the most common ways for you to become a nursing assistant is by getting the proper training from state-approved CNA programs. You can find that these programs are offered by community training centers, nursing homes, and other institutions. According to the latest list of the Department of Public Health, there are about 155 certified programs that are found all over the state. For a program to be approved, it must offer at least 100 hours of training and be coordinated by an RN with at least 2 years of experience.
After you complete your training, you can then apply for the license exams of this state. This is a necessary step since you will not be allowed to work as a nursing assistant in Connecticut. LPNs and RNs, as well as those who have taken the fundamentals of nursing and had training similar to those that are offered in CNA programs may also apply. When applying, you will need to submit a complete application form, which can be found at, along with the necessary documents like proof of your training, fingerprint cards, ID photo, and the payment for the different fees. You must also undergo physical exams to determine that you are not carrying any contagious diseases. A common requirement for all applicants is the submission of the results of their background checks for criminal records. All applications are forwarded to Thomson Prometric since they are in charge of handling the license exams.
The license exams for this state are composed of two parts, a written and skills evaluation exam. These exams will cover all the topics and skills that were taught to you during your training. To get your license, you must pass both parts. It is the responsibility of the Department to issue certifications/ licenses for those who have successfully passed the license exams.
This city is the county seat of Hartford County. Aside from being the county seat, it is also the capital for the state of Connecticut. With a total population of 124,775 people during the 2010 census, it is considered as the 2nd most populous city on the Connecticut River. This city is a part of the Hartford-Springfield Metropolitan Area. It has a total area of approximately 18.0 sq miles and has a population density of 7,025.5/sq mile. Hartford is sometimes called as The Insurance Capital of the World and New England’s Rising Star.
Examples of health care centers that you can find in the area include Community Health Services Inc., Women’s Health Group LLC, Healthcare Waste Solutions, Avery Heights Healthcare Center, Saint Francis Care, Crossover Chd CT Outreach, Hartford Hospital, Forensic Health Services, Comprehensive Health Services, Global Health Associates Inc. and many more. photo attribution: departmentofed