Schools that are conducting enrollment for their CNA programs in Florissant, Missouri are listed on this page. By joining one of these courses you will get instruction covering basic health care techniques for the care of those in nursing homes and hospitals. Contact a facility administrator to learn how the class can benefit you.
Hazelwood High School Central
15955 New Halls Ferry Road
Florissant, MO 63031
314 953-5400
North Tech High School
1700 Derhake Rd
Florissant, MO 63033
314 989-7600
Enrolling in a state-certified training program is a basic requirement in becoming a nurse aide. To be enrolled in one, you must be at least 18 years old; must not be on the Department of Health and Senior Services employment disqualification list, and must not have any records that prevent you from working in a nursing facility.
The latter portion mainly refers to those who are already in the healthcare industry. Having offenses such as abuse, neglect, or misappropriation of the resident’s property will get your name on the EDL. Once your name is on the EDL, you will also get a Federal marker. Those who have Federal markers are no longer able to work as a nurse aide taking care of Medicare/Medicaide patients/residents.
After getting the necessary education and training you will become eligible to challenge the CNA license exams. Taking these exams is also a requirement for those who are applying for reciprocity or Interstate Endorsement. By passing all the tests, your name will automatically be added to the Nurse Aide Registry. Your certification will need to be renewed every 2 years if you want to remain eligible for work in a long-term care facility.
You can learn more about certification qualifications by contacting the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services at their phone line at: 573-526-5686 or email them with questions at:
This city is a part of St. Louis County. It is considered as a second-ring suburb of St. Louis. As of 2010, the population of the city is at 52,158 people. The total area of the city is approximately 11.7 sq miles. It has a population density of 4,442.4/sq mile. The exact date of the very first settlers of the area is still unknown up to today. It is however, considered as one of the oldest settlements in the entire state.
Examples of health care centers that you can find in the area include STD Test Express, Serenity Women’s Healthcare Inc., Healthcare Research, Medical Center of Florissant, Newland Zachary J Dpm, Normandy Medical, Eye Health Care Associates LTD, Fast Track Urgent Care, Planned Parenthood, and DaVita Dialysis Center. photo attribution: niels_olson