The nursing assistant classes in Dalton, Georgia are listed below. Contact one of the school facilities on this page to get details about how you can enroll in training and receive your certification.
Dalton State College
650 North College Drive,
Dalton, Georgia 30720
(706) 272-2657
Regency Park Nursing and Rehabilitation
1212 Broadrick Drive,
Dalton, GA 30720
(706) 270-8008
Becoming a nursing assistant in the state of Georgia is not that hard if you know what the requirements are. The first thing that you must take care of is your training and education. You can choose any NATP so long as it is approved by the Georgia Medical Care Foundation. You can find that the programs are offered by different institutions like colleges, high school, nursing homes, and other private and public schools.
The training programs in this state are mandated to provide 85 hours minimum class time. Of this amount 24 hours is required to be held as skill practice in a medical setting. Generally courses take about 2 to 6 months to complete depending on the one you select. You can only graduate from the program if you complete the 85 hours of training. Those total hours should include at least 24 hour of clinical experiences. When you are in the clinical area, you will be placed under the care of a registered nurse or another member of the healthcare team.
After your training, you can then apply for the state’s license exams. You must take the exams because the state does not allow any individual to work for a long time as a CNA. If you are already working in a nursing facility as one, you must enroll in a program and take the license exams within 4 months from your hiring. To receive your license, you must pass both the written and the skills evaluation exam. Once you pass, your name will be entered in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry. You must maintain this status if you wish to become eligible for long-term work as a nursing assistant.
This city is the county seat of Whitefield County. It is often referred to as the Carpet Capital of the World or Carpet City. It is a main city of the Dalton, Georgia Metropolitan Statistical Area. According to the census of 2010, their total population had reached up to a total of 33,128. It has a total area of 19.8 sq miles and a population density of 1,668.9/sq mile. It is considered as the 2nd largest city in the northwestern portion of Georgia.
Health care clinics that you can find in the area include Highland River Csb – Human Resources, Carter Hope Center, St Joseph Clinic, Northwest Georgia Healthcare Partnership, Hamilton Medical Center, Emery Center Inc., and Whitfield Healthcare Foundation. photo attribution: codnewsroom