The nursing assistant programs that meet registry standards in Cuthbert, Georgia that are currently open for enrollment are described on this page. Call to speak with a course coordinator to get class schedules, and enrollment information.
Randolph Clay Middle High School
3451 Georgia Hwy. 266,
Cuthbert, GA 39840
(229) 732-2101
Albany Technical College at Randolph Clay Learning Center
1210 Andrew St.,
Cuthbert, GA 39840
(229) 732-2248
In becoming a nursing assistant, one of the most important tasks that you must accomplish is to complete a training program that is approved by the GMCF. It is crucial that you will meet the hiring requirements of different Medicaid healthcare facilities when you complete your training. The training programs in this state take an average of 6 months to complete; this is of course depending on the schedule of the programs.
Once you finish the training program, you can then take on the license exams, but before that you must first send in your application and get approval from the GMCF to take it. You will not be able to proceed and take the exams if you do not pass the background checks. The background checks for criminal records will be done at federal and state levels. You should also be physically capable and do not have any communicable diseases to be a CNA.
Once you pass all the exams, your name will then be entered in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry. You have to maintain this status if you want to be eligible to apply for long-term work. You will also need to renew your license every two years if you want to continue your work.
This city is the county seat of Randolph County. According to the latest census taken there, their total population was at 3,425 people. It has a total area of approximately 3 sq miles, where all of it is land. Its population density is estimated to be 1,243.7/sq mile.
Health care centers and providers that you can find serving the city include Howard Edward DR, Tri County Wellness Center PC, O’neil Culver MD FACS, Senior Care At Southwest Ga Regional Medical Center, and many more. photo attribution: sjuadmissions