The nursing assistant training classes in Crossville, Tennessee that are open for you to enroll in are all listed here. To find out more about their programs, you can call to talk with a representative with the school phone numbers provided below.
Wyndridge Health and Rehabilitation Center
456 Wayne Ave.,
Crossville, TN 38557
(931) 484-6129
Stone Memorial High School Nursing Education Program
2800 Cook Rd.,
Crossville, TN 38555
(931) 484-5767
Tennessee Technology Center at Crossville
910 Miller Avenue,
Crossville, TN 38555
(931) 484-7502
The demand for nursing aides is constantly on the rise as more people are becoming more concerned about their health. Working as a nursing assistant means that you will be working under the supervision of a licensed nurse or a member of the medical staff.
In order to work as a nursing aide, you must undergo the proper training. This means that you will have to enroll and complete a state-approved training program. This reason has made a lot of educational institutions offer this training program which created new businesses. Before they can handle any students, they must first be certified. To be certified, they must meet several requirements. Their training must not go less than 75 hours and must be divided into theories and practical components. Their curriculum must also teach 25 different nursing skills that includes 16 hours of clinical proficiency skills instruction. All skills training is coordinated by a qualified clinical instructor who has worked as a registered nurse.
If you are a registered nurse, you may be qualified to become a CNA instructor. To be eligible, you must have at least 2 years of nursing experience, where one of those years was spent working in a long term care facility. You will also need to complete a Train the Trainer course or a course about instructing adults. A licensed practical nurse can be a clinical instructor only if a registered nurse is placed as the head of the program. Other professionals involved in health such as pharmacists, therapists, nutritionists, etc. can act as supplemental instructors.
Most of the programs in Tennessee can be completed within 3-4 months, depending on which program you enroll in. Once you are through, you can proceed and apply for the CNA evaluation examination. This examination consists of a written/oral test and a practical skills test. Both exams are given on the same day. The state’s Department of Health has contracted the D&S Diversified Technologies to help conduct the exams. You can apply for the exam by going to their site at or download an application packet from there. If you apply online, you must pay the exam fees with the use of a MasterCard or Visa card.
To receive your certification, you must pass both of the exams. The test is given in two parts. One is a written test in which you must score 70% or better to pass. The other is a manual proficiency test in which you must demonstrate five skills. You will only have 3 attempts to pass. All of the attempts must also be taken within 2 years after completing your training. Once you are certified, you will be allowed to work as a CAN in a nursing facility that is approved by the Division of Healthcare Facilities. Your certification will only be valid for 2 years and must be renewed before it expires. No CNA is allowed to work with an expired certificate.
Crossville is the county seat of Cumberland County. It is situated on the Cumberland Plateau and near the headwaters of the Obed River. According to the last census taken there, their total population had reached up to a total of 8,981 people. It has a total area of approximately 15.1 sq miles and has a population density of 609.2/sq mile.
Examples of health care providers and centers that are located in the area and is serving its people include Crossville Dialysis, Rural Health Clinic of The Cumberlands, Cumberland Medical Center Physician Group, Pinnacle Health Center, Cumberland Mountain Mental Health Center, Family Walk-In Clinic, Crossville Counseling Center, Crossville Medical Group Professional Association, and many more. photo attribution: ufv