Those who are looking for schools in Coronado, California that are enrolling students in nursing assistant training can find the latest courses listed here. Those who complete a program become eligible for the license exams. If you have questions regarding the class schedules, tuition rates or even how to get your CNA certification, contact the number provided.
Villa Coronado Nurse Aide Course
250 Prospect Place, Coronado, CA 92118
Phone: (619) 238-3741
The first step in becoming a nurse aide in California is to enroll in a state-approved CNA training program. This program will give you the knowledge and skills necessary to properly take care of the patients. While enrolled, you will be spending 50 hours in the classroom for theories and 100 hours in the clinical area for your practical training. During the entire time, you will be handled by a qualified clinical instructor. Each instructor is only allowed to handle 15 students to allow maximum learning.
Although each program has its own set of requirements upon enrollment, many will require their students to:
• Be at least 18 years old
• Have a high school diploma, a GED, or something equivalent
• Be physically and mentally capable of handling different people
• Have a clean record with no charges that may prevent the individual from being certified
• Have complete immunization and a negative TB test result
The CDPH-approved curriculum contains 16 different modules. These modules include patients’ rights, interpersonal skills, body mechanics, vital signs, emergency procedures, nutrition, and many more. Depending on which program you choose, it can take you 4-6 months to complete your training.
As soon as you are done, you will be allowed to apply for the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program exam. This exam is conducted by Pearson VUE and is divided into a multiple-choice knowledge test and a clinical skills evaluation. All candidates must pass both parts of the exam to get certified. Each candidate is given 3 attempts to take and pass.
If there are no technical problems, the results of the exams are released on the same day. All the names of those who pass are forwarded to the ATCS. The ATCS will then send the CNA certificates to their address within 10 working days. If you do not receive this within 30 days after you pass, please call the ATCS at (916) 327-2445.
To keep your eligibility to work as a nursing aide, you must renew your certificate every 24 months. To renew, you are required to work as a paid nursing aide for at least 8 hours and to complete 48 hours of in-service training or continuing education. To avoid any problems upon renewing, please inform the ATCS within 60 days if you change your name or address.
This city is also known as Coronado Island. This is a resort city that is also located in San Diego County. The city is situated just a few miles from downtown San Diego across the Coronado bridge. As of the census of 2010, they have a total population of about 24,697 people. This city is considered as one of the most expensive places to live in the U.S. The total area of the city is 32.666 sq miles where the majority of it is water. The population density of the city is 756/sq miles.
The Sharp Coronado Hospital is considered the 3rd largest employer in the city. It has more than 500 employees working for them. Other health care providers found in the city include Petersen Deanna LCSW, Splinter Chip MD FACS, Sharp HealthCare, Primary Healthcare of Coronado, General Electric Health Care Inc., and Jaibaji Moneer DR. photo attribution: westconn